Captain Morgan and his Hammond Organ

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Captain Morgan and his Hammond Organ was a recurring Viz strip of the early 1990s featuring a pirate named Captain Morgan. Although he looked like a conventional buccaneer, Captain Morgan was always accompanied by his electronic Hammond organ. He would constantly show up in highly inappropriate situations, playing this instrument and attempting to organise sing-alongs of cheerful ditties. A weakness of this strip's premise was the fact that Captain Morgan always had to remain sitting down (at his organ bench) with his hands occupied at the keyboard, thus limiting his potential activities.

This Viz strip was terminated after the magazine received complaints from the Hammond electronic organ company and from Seagrams, manufacturers of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, a product which prominently features a flamboyant pirate captain on its packaging. Thus, Viz managed to offend two completely unrelated corporations with the same character. Creator Chris Donald also noted in his book Rude Kids that he had been threatened with legal action from the copyright owners of some of the songs featured, and did not think that having the character sing royalty free hymns or children's songs would be quite as funny for the reader.