Capital punishment in Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia is one of the leading countries with use of the capital punishment and number of executions worldwide.

[edit] Methods

Currently Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world which still uses beheading (with a sword) as an official method of execution. Saudi law also allow executions by stoning and firing squad, though execution by firing squad is very rare and is usually carried out in private. Beheadings are preceded by the condemned being tapped of most of their blood and ingesting fairly large amounts of various drugs in order to reduce pain in case of a botched execution, as well as minimize prisoner movement and excessive flow of gore once the beheading is carried out.

Almost all executions are carried out in public. There have been some examples of decapitated bodies also being crucified.

[edit] Crimes

Saudi law allows the death penalty for a number of crimes. For example:
