Template:Canadian politics/party colours

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The subpages of this page will consist of the consensus determined colours for Canadian parties to be used in electoral result and other tables reflecting the parties by colour.

See also Template:Canadian politics/party colours/row

Colour Colour
Links to templates Party
name Row
Major Parties
     lightcoral Liberal row Liberal Party of Canada
     cornflowerblue Conservative row new Conservative Party of Canada (2003-date)
     #9999FF Progressive Conservatives row Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, Conservative Party of Canada (historic) (row), Liberal-Conservative Party (row), Unionist Party (Canada) (row), National Liberal and Conservative Party (row), National Government Party (row)
     cadetblue Canadian Alliance row Canadian Alliance and Alberta Alliance Party
     mediumseagreen Reform row Reform Party of Canada, Reform Party of Alberta, Reform Party of Ontario
     sandybrown NDP row New Democratic Party
     #EEDDAA CCF row Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
     lightskyblue BQ row Bloc Québécois, Bloc Populaire Canadien, Union Populaire, Parti nationaliste du Québec
     #EEAAEE Progressive row Progressive Party of Canada
     lightgreen Social Credit row Social Credit, Union of Electors, Ralliement créditiste, Candidats des électeurs
     gainsboro Independents row Independents, "No affiliation" and other parties and Independent Citizen's Association
     #C48CBF Coalition row Coalition governments
     white Other row Non-party
Minor Parties
     lemonchiffon Abolitionist row Abolitionist Party of Canada
     #336033 AAEVP row Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada
     #EABB94 Anti-Confederate row Anti-Confederate
     red Canada Party row Canada Party
     powderblue Canadian Action row Canadian Action Party
     #CC6699 Christian Heritage row Christian Heritage Party of Canada
     #66CC66 CoR row Confederation of Regions Party of Canada
     tomato Communist row Communist Party of Canada and Labour-Progressive Party
     yellowgreen Green row Green Party of Canada, Template:GPC
     #EEBBBB Labour row various Labour parties
     #F7C95E Labour Socialist row Labour Socialist
     lavender Liberal-Progressive row Liberal-Progressive
     green Libertarian row Libertarian Party of Canada
     tan Marijuana row Marijuana Party and Bloc Pot
     indianred Marxist-Leninist row Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
     mediumturquoise National row National Party of Canada
     lavender Natural Law row Natural Law Party of Canada
     #FFCCFF NLFirst row Newfoundland and Labrador First Party
     lightsalmon PCC row Party for the Commonwealth of Canada, North American Labour Party, etc.
#6666CC Progressive Canadian row Progressive Canadian Party
     beige Reconstruction row Reconstruction Party
     thistle Rhino row Neorhino.ca, Rhinoceros Party of Canada
     gold Socialist row Socialist parties, Socialist Party of British Columbia
     #F7C95E Socialist Labour row Socialist Labour Party
     #66CC00 United Farmers row United Farmers
     khaki Western Canada Concept row Western Canada Concept and Western Block Party
#006699 Western Independence Party row Western Independence Party and Western Canada Party
Alberta-only provincial parties
     lightskyblue Alberta Party row Alberta Party
     #66CCCC Equity Party row The Equity Party, and the Forum Party of Alberta
     gold SeparationAB row Separation Party of Alberta
British Columbia-only provincial parties
     lightblue BC Social Credit row British Columbia Social Credit Party for post-1952 period (use "Social Credit" for pre-1952)
     #EB8392 BC Liberal row British Columbia Liberal Party; for post-1991 (use "Liberal" for pre-1991)
     deepskyblue BC Reform row Reform Party of British Columbia - diff. party than federal Reform
     #AA99CC PDA row Progressive Democratic Alliance
     palevioletred DRBC row Democratic Reform British Columbia
     mediumturquoise BC Unity row British Columbia Unity Party, Family Coalition Party of British Columbia
     #FF3366 WLP row Work Less Party of British Columbia
     #00cc66 YPP row Your Political Party of British Columbia
     #FFFF99 RefedBC row Western Refederation Party of British Columbia
     lightskyblue BC Party row British Columbia Party
     #FFFFCC Moderate row British Columbia Moderate Democratic Movement
     #f0f0f0 Platinum row Platinum Party of Employers Who Think and Act to Increase Awareness
     orchid Patriot row British Columbia Patriot Party
     hotpink Sex row Sex Party
     rosybrown Youth row British Columbia Youth Coalition
     #000077 Emerged Democracy row Emerged Democracy Party of British Columbia
British Columbia-only historical provincial parties/groups
     #98CED6 Provincial row Provincial Party of British Columbia
     #A1C0DB BCCP row BC Constructivist Party
     #32C5D6 Coalition row Liberal-Conservative Coalition
     #8CBAFE IndCons row Independent Conservative
     #FD8989 IndLib row Independent Liberal
     #CFD0FF IndPC row Independent Progressive Conservative
     #E7BAE8 IndPro row Independent Progressive Association or Independent Progressive
     #287BC8 NPIG row Non Partisan Independent Group
     #F1FFDD CDP row Christian Democratic Party of Canada, Christian Democratic Party
     #FFFFCC OGM row Oxford Group Movement
     #DA7C7C SDP row Social Democratic Party, SDPBC
     #EF759D Dem row Democratic Party of Canada
     gold Socialist row Socialist Party of British Columbia
     #72B490 Soldier row Soldier Party
     #A6C8B5 IndSold row Independent Soldier
     #91C991 SolFar row Soldier-Farmer Party
     #97BF97 SolLbr row Soldier-Labour Party
     #76AC28 GAUV row Grand Army of the United Veterans
     #9BEBA8 UFBC row United Farmers of BC
     #97D26C FarLbr row Farmer-Labour Party, People's Party (Farmer-Labour)
     #C5E959 UFWF row United Front (Workers and Farmers) Party
     #76EAC8 Herd row Common Herd Party/People's Party (diff. from Farmer-Labour)
     #C0FFC0 Unionist row Unionist Party of BC and Unionist League/Association
     #8B94E7 Gov row Government - Required for elections from 1875 to 1900; even showed up in a federal district (Westminster District) I did today, 1917 election
     #E7E9FF IndGov row Independent-Government - Required for elections from 1875 to 1900
     #B8BFFE Opp row Opposition - same as with "Government" pre-1903
     #DCDFFC IndOpp row Independent Opposition or Opposition-Independent - same as with "Government" pre-1903
     #8BBFFF RefCauc row Reform caucus - 1870s-80s non-party caucus in House
     #E5DBC3 IndCCF row Independent Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
     #B9E5B9 IndFar row Independent Farmer
     #C4F2C4 IndFL row Independent Farm Labour
     #F7DBDB IndLab row Independent Labour (also Independent Labour Party)
     #ACDEAD IndSC row Independent Social Credit
     #EDD5A3 IndSoc row Independent Socialist
     #7FB0F9 OppCons row Opposition Conservative or Conservative/Opposition
     #D0B0DA OppPro row Opposition Progressive or Progressive/Opposition
     #9F65FF LibCons row Liberal-Conservative
Ontario-only provincial parties
     #CC6699 Family Coalition row Family Coalition Party of Ontario
     #3333CC Freedom row Freedom Party of Ontario
     #FBEC5D PPSN row Party for People with Special Needs
     #DCD0FF Republican row Republican Party of Ontario
New Brunswick-only provincial parties
     #999999 Grey row Grey Party of Canada
Quebec-only provincial parties
     lightsteelblue ADQ row Action démocratique du Québec
     moccasin Equality row Equality Party and Unity Party
     yellow Lemon row Parti citron
     deepskyblue PI row Parti indépendantiste
     lightskyblue PQ row Parti Québécois
     lightcoral PLQ row Liberal Party of Quebec
     #DC663C QS row Québec solidaire
     navyblue Union Nationale row Union Nationale
     orange UFP row Union des forces progressistes
Saskatchewan-only provincial parties
     mediumseagreen SaskParty row Saskatchewan Party
indianred APP row Aboriginal People's Party
Yukon-only territorial parties
     deepskyblue Yukon Party row Yukon Party