Canonical line bundle

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The canonical or tautological line bundle on a projective space appears frequently in mathematics, often in the study of characteristic classes. Note that there is possible confusion with the theory of the canonical class in algebraic geometry; for which reason the name tautological is preferred in some contexts. See also tautological bundle.


[edit] Definition

Form the cartesian product \mathbf{R} P^n\times\mathbf{R}^{n+1}, with the first factor denoting real projective n-space. We consider the subset

E(\gamma^n):=\big\{(\{\pm\;x\},v)\in\mathbf{R}P^n\times\mathbf{R}^{n+1}:v=\lambda x,\;\lambda\in\mathbf{R}\big\}.

We have an obvious projection map \pi:E(\gamma^n)\to\mathbf{R}P^n, with (\{\pm\;x\},v)\mapsto\{\pm\;x\}. Each fibre of π is then the line through x and x inside Euclidean (n+1)-space. Giving each fibre the induced vector space structure we obtain the bundle


the canonical line bundle over \mathbf{R}P^n.

[edit] Facts

In fact, it is straightforward to show that, for n = 1, the canonical line bundle is none other than the well-known bundle whose total space is the Möbius band. For a full proof of the above fact, see [1].

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ J. Milnor & J. Stasheff, Characteristic Classes, Princeton, 1974.
  • [M+S] J. Milnor & J. Stasheff, Characteristic Classes, Princeton, 1974.