Canal du Nivernais

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The canal du Nivernais links the Loire basin with the Seine basin following approximately the course of the river Yonne in a south to north direction.
Beginning near the village of Saint-Léger-des-Vignes, the canal traverses the department of the Nievre reaching it's half way point at the town of Clamecy and finishes close to the town of Auxerre, just before the river Yonne joins the river Seine.


[edit] Statistics

The canal is 180 km long and comprises of 110 locks.

[edit] History

Construction of the canal began in 1784, initially to aid the 'flottage' (floating) of timber from the forests of the Morvan national park to Paris, via Clamecy and Auxerre. However, in reality, the canal was quickly established as an important communication route which contributed significantly to the economic development of the Nievre, particularly the area known as the 'Valleys of the Yonne' of which the small town of Clamecy is the capital. The canal du Nivernais importance in this respect, faded with the arrival of the railway in the 19th century.

[edit] Leisure and Tourism

Today, the canal is exclusively reserved for navigation by leisure craft.

[edit] Sights

The majority of tourists begin their cruise at the historic city of Auxerre after which, the canal winds south through the (department of the) Yonne countryside past a number of small, picturesque villages and hamlets, departing and rejoining the river Yonne on this ascending leg. Notable villages include Mailly-le-Chateau, Chatel Censoir and Coulanges-sur-Yonne. Shortly after Coulanges, the canal leaves the department of the Yonne and enters the department of the Nievre. At roughly the half way point, the canal passes through a landscape of calcium outcrops and undulating farmland until arriving at the Medieval town of Clamecy. The Romain Rolland Museum in Clamecy houses a permanent exhibition dedicated to the former industrial and communicatory importance of the canal.
The downward leg of the canal (toward the river Loire) passes through the countryside of the valleys of the Yonne, through more villages and hamlets including Corbigny and Baye until arrival at Decize, the last significantly sized town before the canal ends at Saint-Léger-des-Vignes.

[edit] References and External Links

[edit] See also
