Canadian Rail Operating Rules

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The Canadian Rail Operating Rules (CROR) is a set of operating rules for railroads in Canada. The CROR is used by every Canadian railroad.

[edit] Overview

The CROR rules are intended to enhance railroad safety. The rules cover employee responsibilities, signaling equipment, procedures for safe train movement, dealing with accidents and other topics that directly and indirectly affect railroad safety.

[edit] Categories

The full set of CROR rules is divided into 22 categories.

  1. General Responsibilities
  2. General Notice
  3. General Rule
  4. Definitions
  5. Operating Rules
  6. Time and Time Tables (Rules 1-6)
  7. Signals - General (Rules 11-35)
  8. Protection of Impassable or Slow Track (Rules 40-49)
  9. Movement of Trains and Engines (Rules 51-116)
  10. Radio (Rules 117-127)
  11. General Procedures (Rules 131-148)
  12. General Bulletin Order (GBO) (Rules 151-155)
  13. Forms of GBO
  14. Occupancy Control System (OCS) Rules (Rules 301-313)
  15. Special Control System (SCS) Rules (Rules 351-353)
  16. General Description and Location of Fixed Signals (Rules 401-404)
  17. Block and Interlocking Signals(Rules 405-430)
  18. Automatic Block Signal System (ABS) Rules (Rules 505-517)
  19. Centralized Traffic Control System (CTC) (Rules 560-576)
  20. Interlocking Rules (Rule 601-620)
  21. Optional Rules (Multi Control System and Rules 49.4, 314, 577 and 577.1)
  22. Rules for the Protection of Track Units and Track Work

[edit] External links