Canadian Militia

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Canadian Militia was created in 1920 from the recommendations of the Otter Committee to re-organize and modernize Canada's army units.

Between 1867 to 1920, Canada did not have an organized standing land force as had existed in the Royal Canadian Navy.

The CM consisted of:

The Canadian Expeditionary Force was reconstituted in the Permanent Active Militia and the Non-Permanent Active Militia.

In 1940, PAM was renamed Canadian Army (Active) and the NPAM as Canadian Army (Reserve). The two units were renamed following World War II as Canadian Army Active Force, Canadian Army (Regular) and Canadian Army Reserve Force respectively.

In 1968, the CM was re-organzied for the last time under Force Mobile Command (and Force Mobile Command (Reserves)) under the unified Canadian Forces.

[edit] Uniform

Head dress

[edit] See also

[edit] External links