Canada Weather Extremes
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This table shows record weather extremes in Canada.
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Record | Extreme | Place where it occurred |
Highest Temperature | 45.0°C (113.0°F) [1] | Midale and Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan |
Lowest Temperature | -63.0°C (-81.4°F) [2] | Old Crow, Yukon Territory |
Greatest Rainfall (in 24 hours) | 49 cm (19 in.) [3] | Ucluelet Brynnor Mines, British Columbia |
Greatest Snowfall in one year | 2,446.5 cm/964 in. [4] | Mount Copeland, British Columbia |
Highest Humidex reading | 53 ºC (127.4ºF) [5] | Carman, Manitoba |
Coldest Month | -47.9°C (-54.22°F) [6] | Eureka Nunavut |
Greatest Precipitation in one year | 9,479 mm/373.19 in. [7] | Henderson Lake, British Columbia |
Heaviest hailstone | 290 g/0.64 lb [8] | Cedoux, Saskatchewan |