Canada Pension Plan / Old Age Security Review Tribunals

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Canada Pension Plan / Old Age Security Review Tribunals are independent and mandated to hear appeals of decisions made by Social Development Canada (SDC) on benefits under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security Act. (OAS).

Each appeal is heard by three members chosen by the Commissioner of Review Tribunals from a panel appointed by the Governor-in-Council. A review tribunal must be chaired by a lawyer and where a disability benefit is at issue, one panel member must be a member of a prescribed health profession.

Persons appealing to a Review Tribunal are entitled to an oral hearing at a location in Canada that is convenient for them, and may bring fresh evidence to support their case. Decisions made by a Review Tribunal under the Canada Pension Plan can be appealed, with leave, to the Pension Appeals Board (PAB). Review Tribunal decisions under the Old Age Security Act are subject to judicial review by the Federal Court of Canada.

[edit] History

The Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals (OCRT) has been responsible for the administration of the Review Tribunal level of appeal under the Canada Pension Plan since December 1991. In 1995, Review Tribunals were entrusted with final appeals under the Old Age Security Act.

[edit] External links
