Calvin C. Hernton

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Calvin C Hernton (1933 - 2001) is an American sociologist, poet and author.

He was born in Chattanooga Tennessee, USA in 28 April 1932. He studied at Tallageda University and Fisk University. He was a Professor of African-American Studies at Oberlin College. He retired in 1999 and died on 30 September 2001.

[edit] Bibliography


  • Scarecrow (1974)


  • Sex and Racism in America (1965)
  • White Papers for White Americans (1966)
  • Coming Together: Black Power, White Hatred, and Sexual Hang-ups (1966)
  • The Sexual Mountain and Black Women Writers: Adventures in Sex, Literature, and Real Life (1987)


  • The Coming of Chronos to the House of Nightsong: An Epical Narrative of the South (1964)
  • Medicine Man: Collected Poems (1976)
  • The Red Crab Gang and Black River Poems (with Carla Bank, 1999)

[edit] External links