Calthorpe Park School
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Calthorpe Park School is an average-sized mixed 11 -16 comprehensive school in Fleet, Hampshire. Most of the 998 students are White British, whose first language is English. Relatively few are entitled to free school meals. The school shares the excellent sports facilities of an adjacent community leisure centre. It was awarded specialist status as a maths and computing school in 2005.
A major capital scheme by Hampshire County Council to extend the school to accommodate more pupils was completed in 2004.[1]
[edit] Head Teacher
Mrs C Anwar
Calthorpe Park is a satisfactory and improving school with outstanding capacity to improve still further. The school is good in all respects except in the extent to which students make progress during their time in the school. Most do well by the end of Year 11 but, in view of their good standards of work when they join the school in Year 7, many should do even better. The new headteacher is very well aware that for the last few years good overall standards have masked the relatively slow progress made by some students, particularly between Years 7 and 9 and those of higher ability. She and her senior leadership team have carried out an astute analysis of which groups of students have, over time, been under-achieving and why, and they have already done a great deal to bring about improvements. Through skilful management, the talents of key members of staff have been fully realised and they in turn have ensured that many students have already made faster and further progress this year. On the strength of this cumulative evidence, the school has an outstanding capacity to improve. A lot of teaching is good, some is outstanding, and the best practices are being successfully disseminated to all.