California State University Northridge Botanic Garden
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The CSUN Botanic Garden is located in the southeast quadrant of California State University, Northridge, in California, USA. The 1.5 acre site includes a 1-acre botanic garden and approximately .5 acre of nursery, shadehouse, and greenhouse areas. The garden is open to the public, without charge, on non-campus holidays, M-F, 8-4:45, except during conditions of extreme weather. Shortly after the establishment of the campus (as a branch of Cal State L.A.) in 1959, the Botanic Garden was planted with California native plants, but has since evolved into a diverse collection of over 1,200 species and cultivars. Representing different geographic regions and themes, the different sections of the garden contain cacti and succulents, California native plants, palms, asian species, New Zealand plants, herbs, bulbs, and butterfly-sustaining plants.
The Botanic Garden Manager is Brenda Kanno. The Botanic Garden Assistant is Phillippe Lee-Gabriel. The Botanic Garden website is The Botanic Garden email address is
The CSUN Botanic Garden sponsors CSUN-al Gardening, a series of four free gardening themed classes a year. For more information on the classes, email