Caius Choirbook

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The Caius Choirbook is an illuminated choirbook dating to the fifteenth century and containing much music by Tudor-period composers. The book appears to originate from Arundel in Sussex, and to have been created sometime in the late 1520s; the then Master of Arundel College, Edward Higgons, seems to have presented it to the collegiate chapel of Saint Stephen in Westminster, where he was a canon beginning in 1517.

The major contributors to the Caius Choirbook are Robert Fayrfax and Nicholas Ludford; between them they contributed at least eleven of its fifteen pieces. The book also contains music by older composers, such as Edmund Sturton and Walter Lambe, whose music may also be found in the Lambeth and Eton Choirbooks. Other composers represented in the Caius Choirbook include William Cornysh, Edmond Turges, and Henry Prentes. There is in addition a Mass by William Pasche, based upon Christus resurgens, a processional antiphon for Easter.

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