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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked) angiosperms
Order: Nymphaeales
Family: Cabombaceae
Rich. ex A.Rich. (1822)

see text

Cabombaceae is the botanical name of a family of flowering plants. The family has been recognised by at least some taxonomists. The family consists of two genera of aquatic plants, (Brasenia and Cabomba), totalling half-a-dozen species.

The APG II system, of 2003 (unchanged from the APG system, of 1998), supports inclusion of the family as part of the other water lily family, Nymphaeaceae. However, APG II does allow 'Cabombaceae' as an optional segregate. In either case the family is accepted among the most basal lineages in the clade angiosperms. Many botanists now recognize both families as part of the order Nymphaeales together with Hydatellaceae.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Simpson, M.G. Plant Systematics. Elsevier Academic Press. 2006.