Cabaret OT.TO

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Cabaret OT.TO is a Polish musical cabaret group. It is perhaps the most popular cabaret group in Poland, with a wide base of fans. The group has gained three gold CDs, for sales of more than 100,000 CDs and cassettes.

Cabaret OT.TO have issued eight CDs and cassettes: "7777"; "50-lecie Kabaretu"; "Wesele Chamleta"; two CDs "Koncert Kabaretu OT.TO z orkiestrą Zbigniewa Górnego"; "Lato z OT.TO" and "OT.TO dzieciom".

[edit] Personnel

It was created in 1990, and consists of four people: Andrzej Piekarczyk, Andrzej Tomanek, Wiesław Tupaczewski, and Ryszard Makowski. Their first big success was their appearance during Opolski Kabareton in 1991. Since that they have been prominent entertainers.

Wiesław Tupaczewski was born in 1963. His profession is electrician. He has got two children and wife Anna. His favourite film is "Bagdad Cafe". His favourite book is "Sto lat samotności" and his favourite dish is red beet soup. His talisman is a medallion he got from his mother. Andrzej Tomanek was born in 1958. His profession is geodesy. He hasn't got children, but he has wife Iwona. His favourite film is "Lucky Man". His favourite book is "Śniadanie mistrzów" and his favourite dish is salad and fish.

Ryszard Makowski was born in 1955. His profession is chemist. He has got two children and wife Basia. His favourite film is "Pół żartem, pól serio". His favourite book is "Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka" and his favourite dish is fish.

Andrzej Piekarczyk was born in 1963. His profession is electrician. He has got two children and wife Beata. His favourite film is "Mistrz kierownicy ucieka". His favourite book is an auto magazine and his favourite dish is pierogi ruskie (Russian Pierogi).
