Cabal (software)

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Design by Isaac Jones
Developed by Isaac Jones, Duncan Coutts
Initial release January 2005
Latest release / December 2007
Preview release 1.5.1 / May 2008
Written in Haskell
OS Any Unix-like
Size 0.61 megabytes
Available in English
Development status Active
Genre Application level package manager
License BSD

The Haskell Cabal is is the Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries; it aids in the packaging and distribution of software packages.

[edit] Cabalizing

A process of making a library written in the Haskell programming language conformant to the requirements of the Cabal library infrastructure provided that the library was initially developed without taking those requirements into consideration, or prior to the introduction of Cabal to the Haskell community.

[edit] Use

Cabal packages provide a standard set of metadata and build process; thus, it is possible to develop tools to upload Cabal packages to the CPAN-like community repository of software, Hackage, or even allow for automated downloading, compilation, and installation of desired packages from Hackage (through the cabal-install tool).

[edit] External links

Wikibooks has a book on the topic of