C5a receptor

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Complement component 5a receptor 1
Symbol(s) C5AR1; C5A; C5AR; C5R1; CD88
External IDs OMIM: 113995 MGI88232 HomoloGene20413
RNA expression pattern

More reference expression data

Human Mouse
Entrez 728 12273
Ensembl ENSG00000197405 ENSMUSG00000049130
Uniprot P21730 Q3TZ86
Refseq NM_001736 (mRNA)
NP_001727 (protein)
NM_007577 (mRNA)
NP_031603 (protein)
Location Chr 19: 52.5 - 52.52 Mb Chr 7: 15.41 - 15.42 Mb
Pubmed search [1] [2]

The C5a receptor also known as complement component 5a receptor 1 (C5AR1) or CD88 (Cluster of Differentiation 88) is a G protein-coupled receptor for C5a. It functions as a complement receptor.[1]

C5a receptor structure and its residues possessing role in ligand binding or signaling.
C5a receptor structure and its residues possessing role in ligand binding or signaling.


[edit] Cells

The C5a receptor is expressed on:[2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Gerard C, Gerard NP (1994). "C5A anaphylatoxin and its seven transmembrane-segment receptor". Annu. Rev. Immunol. 12: 775–808. doi:10.1146/annurev.iy.12.040194.004015. PMID 8011297. 
  2. ^ Unless else specified in list, then ref is:PROW and IWHLDA: CD88

[edit] Further reading

  • Sengeløv H (1996). "Complement receptors in neutrophils.". Crit. Rev. Immunol. 15 (2): 107–31. PMID 8573284. 
  • Beil WJ, Schulz M, Wefelmeyer U (2001). "Mast cell granule composition and tissue location--a close correlation.". Histol. Histopathol. 15 (3): 937–46. PMID 10963136. 
  • Yamamoto T (2007). "Roles of the ribosomal protein S19 dimer and the C5a receptor in pathophysiological functions of phagocytic leukocytes.". Pathol. Int. 57 (1): 1–11. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1827.2007.02049.x. PMID 17199736. 
  • Bao L, Gerard NP, Eddy RL, et al. (1992). "Mapping of genes for the human C5a receptor (C5AR), human FMLP receptor (FPR), and two FMLP receptor homologue orphan receptors (FPRH1, FPRH2) to chromosome 19.". Genomics 13 (2): 437–40. PMID 1612600. 
  • Gerard NP, Gerard C (1991). "The chemotactic receptor for human C5a anaphylatoxin.". Nature 349 (6310): 614–7. doi:10.1038/349614a0. PMID 1847994. 
  • Boulay F, Mery L, Tardif M, et al. (1991). "Expression cloning of a receptor for C5a anaphylatoxin on differentiated HL-60 cells.". Biochemistry 30 (12): 2993–9. PMID 2007135. 
  • Wahl SM, Allen JB, Gartner S, et al. (1989). "HIV-1 and its envelope glycoprotein down-regulate chemotactic ligand receptors and chemotactic function of peripheral blood monocytes.". J. Immunol. 142 (10): 3553–9. PMID 2541200. 
  • Foreman KE, Vaporciyan AA, Bonish BK, et al. (1994). "C5a-induced expression of P-selectin in endothelial cells.". J. Clin. Invest. 94 (3): 1147–55. PMID 7521884. 
  • Giannini E, Brouchon L, Boulay F (1995). "Identification of the major phosphorylation sites in human C5a anaphylatoxin receptor in vivo.". J. Biol. Chem. 270 (32): 19166–72. PMID 7642584. 
  • Buhl AM, Osawa S, Johnson GL (1995). "Mitogen-activated protein kinase activation requires two signal inputs from the human anaphylatoxin C5a receptor.". J. Biol. Chem. 270 (34): 19828–32. PMID 7649993. 
  • Wennogle LP, Conder L, Winter C, et al. (1994). "Stabilization of C5a receptor--G-protein interactions through ligand binding.". J. Cell. Biochem. 55 (3): 380–8. doi:10.1002/jcb.240550316. PMID 7962171. 
  • Gerard NP, Bao L, Xiao-Ping H, et al. (1993). "Human chemotaxis receptor genes cluster at 19q13.3-13.4. Characterization of the human C5a receptor gene.". Biochemistry 32 (5): 1243–50. PMID 8383526. 
  • Ames RS, Li Y, Sarau HM, et al. (1996). "Molecular cloning and characterization of the human anaphylatoxin C3a receptor.". J. Biol. Chem. 271 (34): 20231–4. PMID 8702752. 
  • Werfel T, Zwirner J, Oppermann M, et al. (1996). "CD88 antibodies specifically bind to C5aR on dermal CD117+ and CD14+ cells and react with a desmosomal antigen in human skin.". J. Immunol. 157 (4): 1729–35. PMID 8759762. 
  • Höpken UE, Lu B, Gerard NP, Gerard C (1996). "The C5a chemoattractant receptor mediates mucosal defence to infection.". Nature 383 (6595): 86–9. doi:10.1038/383086a0. PMID 8779720. 
  • Chen Z, Zhang X, Gonnella NC, et al. (1998). "Residues 21-30 within the extracellular N-terminal region of the C5a receptor represent a binding domain for the C5a anaphylatoxin.". J. Biol. Chem. 273 (17): 10411–9. PMID 9553099. 
  • Floreani AA, Heires AJ, Welniak LA, et al. (1998). "Expression of receptors for C5a anaphylatoxin (CD88) on human bronchial epithelial cells: enhancement of C5a-mediated release of IL-8 upon exposure to cigarette smoke.". J. Immunol. 160 (10): 5073–81. PMID 9590258. 
  • Ottonello L, Corcione A, Tortolina G, et al. (1999). "rC5a directs the in vitro migration of human memory and naive tonsillar B lymphocytes: implications for B cell trafficking in secondary lymphoid tissues.". J. Immunol. 162 (11): 6510–7. PMID 10352266. 
  • Kohleisen B, Shumay E, Sutter G, et al. (2000). "Stable expression of HIV-1 Nef induces changes in growth properties and activation state of human astrocytes.". AIDS 13 (17): 2331–41. PMID 10597774. 
  • Monk PN, Scola A-M, Madala P, Fairlie DP (2007). "Function, structure and therapeutic potential of complement C5a receptors". British Journal of Pharmacology 152: 429–48. PMID 17603557. 

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