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Cífer (German: Ziffer, Hungarian: Cif(f)er) is a municipality (village) in the Trnava District, Slovakia. It has a population of 3806.

Archaeological finds from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Roman Period and early Slavic period have been made in the village. The first written mention to the settlement stems from 1291. It received town status in the early 18th century, but it has lost it since then.

[edit] Neolithic

The shift from food gathering to food producing due to the incline in world wide temperatures. Nomads were then able to settle in societies because they no longer had to move around for food. Irrigation systems were used to bring water from rivers to the crops. Farming led to a surplus of food, which could support a higher population. Because no one had to move around to find food, so then specialization came about.

[edit] People

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 48°19′N, 17°30′E