Businesses and organizations in Second Life

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In the virtual world of Second Life, there are a number of in-world business and user-groups founded specifically for the game, some of which have become legal entities in their own right, as well as preexisting companies and organizations that have involved themselves in the world.

Originating from Second Life

These businesses and organizations are legally registered or recognized entities created specifically for Second Life. Groups affiliated with preexisting organizations are in the Operated inside Second Life section.

1st TOUCH Magazine

1st TOUCH Magazinewas first launched inworld in March 2007 and made its online debut on 20th of July,2007. 1st TOUCH is a portal publication that covers Second Life stories that affect real life. Its creators, Marcus A. Link and Carmen Villadar now live together in Germany after meeting in Second Life.

Accident Designs

Founded in 2006 by Johan Bichel Lindegaard , Accident Designs offers virtual architecture services, programming, project management and marketing in Second Life.

Advanced Virtual

Advanced Virtual, based in the UK is a full service creative media company whose focus is on taking real-world businesses into Second Life.

Aimee Weber Studio

See Alyssa LaRoche

Ancapistan Capital Exchange

ACE is the newest of the SL stock exchanges, founded by BNT Holdings CEO IntLibber Brautigan. ACE is dedicated to compliance with SL Exchange Commission standards, openness, transparency, and community governance. It has already reached similar market volumes as more established exchanges occasionally and its listings are growing.

Anshe Chung Studios

See Anshe Chung

ASID Media Design

ASID Media Design is run by Hiro Sheridan a Linden Lab approved Second Life Consultant. ASID Media Design specializes in helping education, non-profit, and science-related organizations establish a presence in Second Life. Its services range from basic presentation facility design to full sim management.

Avatrian LLC

Avatrian is a full-service metaverse development shop that delivers products and services for 3D online digital worlds. Its product line includes prefabricated items such as houses, buildings, terrains, and avatars. Aside from these ready-made products, Avatrian also offers a wide range of services which include content creation, avatar customization, scripting with the Linden Scripting Language and sim terraformation.

Avatrian provides start-to-finish management of small to large-scale projects, such as building out an entire island or creating a large event for many participants.


Beatenetworks is a Marketing and Business Development firm based in Dusseldorf Germany, and is focused on providing guidance and solutions to users and businesses in Second Life. It was founded by Alice Klinger and Allison Selene in Second Life. It specializes in areas such as event management in Second Life, Branding, Avatar Design, and Advertising.

BidSL Auction House

BidSL Is a full-service auction house featuring resident-to-resident Second Life auctions as well as live auctions conducted by real life auctioneers completely inside of Second Life. The house was opened on September 8, 2007 by Jim Allen and Shannon Nohkan.

Bob Perrys Store

Bob Perry's Store is a company which runs a store and a casino within Second Life.

Brautigan & Tuck Holdings

Also known simply as "BNT" for its stock symbol on the Ancapistan Capital Exchange, [ Brautigan & Tuck Holdings, founded in October 2006, is an estate company and otherwise diversified conglomerate founded by IntLibber Brautigan. Owning more than 40 sims, it is the largest publicly traded estate company in SL, and holds an asset value in excess of 40 million L$. It primarily focuses on designing and constructing urban settings for business and financial interests. It also offers protection to its estate inhabitants through its subsidiary Ng Security.


Catalyst is a virtual marketing and branding company, founded to help businesses manage their Second Life presence and advertising needs. It provides full-service marketing solutions, including ad booking and campaign management, building, scripting, graphic design as well as product design and content creation. Catalyst is the creator of the AdBoard / AdServer system, a networked advertising system released in 2006 to assist advertisers and publishers in advertising[citation needed]

Code4Software LLC

Code4Software provides 3D Modeling, Graphic Design, Software Development, Land Development, Architectural Design, and Product Design services.


New York-based combinedstory Inc is a media firm specializing in representing Second Life businesses, brand or artwork in the virtual world.

Community Chest

Community Chest is a marketing and communication agency established both in Paris and Second Life. It deals in strategic marketing, communication, virtual environment (developers, designers, ergonomists) and architecture.

Cybertek Enterprises

Cybertek Enterprises is a virtual real estate company. At present, the estate consists of 12 regions. Besides land development, it also creates virtual goods that include, textures, buildings, and amusement park rides.


Darleon Darleon is a New-York based virtual worlds and Internet consultancy offering machinima production, corporate and entertainment builds, training, and education.

DF Europe

DF Europe is a team of 3D Content Creators . It is currently located in Frankfurt, Germany.

Designing Digitally Inc.

Designing Digitally Inc Designing Digitally, Inc. who develop and script their client's visions in a virtual world.

Encore Design Group

Encore Design Group creates purpose-built virtual environments for both commercial and non-commercial use, as well as providing graphic design, decor, scripting, and landscaping. EDG's creation of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon at Mesopotamia was recently featured on NBC's hit series The Office.

Ewing Fashion Agency (EFA)

[1] is a fashion promotion agency who create commercial opportunities for SL fashion designers and non-fashion related companies (SL or real-world) by aligning common goals and helping them reach their target markets in Second Life. The Agency is run by real-world CEO of a management consulting company called Black Diamond Consultancy based in the United Kindgom.

Exakt – Made in Sweden

EXAKT - Made in Sweden is run by Tina Bergman since February 2005. It specialises in lighting. Specialist in 50-60 style of architecture. It is based in Stockholm, Sweden.[1][2][3]

Fashion Research Institute

Fashion Research Institute is engaged in developing virtual world-based product design and product life cycle management for the fashion industry using IBM-backed solutions. FRI's SL laboratory is the five island complex of Shengri La where collaborations occur between RL and SL fashion designers, scientists, artists, and philosophers.

HRN Freedom Games

HRN Freedom Games is a virtual games creation company in Second Life. The HRN Freedom Games Headquarters is located in Nangrim . Following the ban on role play casino games in Second Life (wagering in Second Life), HRN Freedom Games has recreated the same games as freeplay versions, and now creates business related scripted content. HRN Freedom Games was created on December 28th 2006 and is owned and operated by Hilton Harpoon, Rhea Radford and Nino Lassally.

i3D inc.

i3D inc. is an application development firm in Second Life, creating both custom projects and in house multimedia products. i3D developed the LSL Test Harness for Linden Lab in June of 2007.

Infinite Vision Media

Infinited Vision Media is a full-service interactive marketing and new media agency. IVM helped usher Dell Computers into Second Life in late 2006.[citation needed]

Machinima by Silver and Goldie

Machinima by Silver and Goldie is a full service, professional video production firm specializing in “machinima,” the art and process of filmmaking in virtual worlds. Our Second Life production facilities at Studio Shores sim are supported in the real world by state-of-the-art HD capture and editing systems.

Max March Industries

Max March Industries is a creator of metaverse companies in Second Life. The Max March brand has a focus on quality goods and services.[4] In addition to its dozen or so metaverse business operations, Max March owns a considerable amount of virtual real estate and operates resort residence destinations branded under the name "The MAX."[5] Max March is an official sponsor of the Second Life Community Convention and supports a number of other metaverse organizations.[6]

Metaverse Messenger, The

The Metaverse Messenger, or M2, is an online newspaper covering events within Second Life as well as real world news that concerns SL. The paper was founded in August 2005 by Kristan Hall (known in Second Life as Katt Kongo) and Alan Seeger (known in Second Life as Phoenix Psaltery).

Millions of Us

Millions of Us is an agency specializing in virtual world marketing and communications campaigns. The firm was founded in May 2006 to assist clients in entering Second Life, and now works on multiple virtual world and social media platforms.

My SL Project

The My SL Project is a Second Life project matching/bidding service that allows Second Life residents to match their projects and jobs with freelance Second Life developers and service providers.

Nilsson Development Enterprises

Nilsson Development Enterprises is a company founded wholly within Second Life for the purpose of scripting, building, and consulting for businesses. It was founded in 2005 by Kenn Nilsson. Most notably, NDE scripts protect a replica Sistine Chapel built by Vassar College.

Planet Video

Planet Video was founded in 2006 by Frank Rickett (known in Second Life as Frankie Rockett). They were the first professional organisation to specialise exclusively in the creation of virtual video, or Machinima, in Second Life. They have a permanent purpose-built facility within the region known as Klaw.[7].[8]


We are a boutique media technology agency focused on virtual worlds. If you are interested in engaging your customers, employees or students with persuasive content; we have the experience to do it right. Sticky builds, complex interactivity, breathtaking machinima and life-like avatars: Popcha! delivers.

Prim & Proper

Prim & Proper are a 19th-century style clothing company founded in November 2005. It is now the premiere Victorian clothier on the grid.

rapidSL Development

rapidSL is a full service development company operating out of Cologne, Germany that provides content creation, application-development and architectural design for real-world business clients.

Second Life Cable Network

SLCN.TV is a virtual television network that broadcasts live resident-produced programs to in-world video screens as well at the web. The SLCN.TV website also includes video archives of all regularly scheduled shows and special event coverage. Started by Wiz Nordberg SLCN is quickly growing and the website includes hundreds of hours of Second Life programming covering special interests ranging from sports, science, education, and lifestyle. All SLCN video clips are archives of live events as they happened in Second Life.

Second Life Left Unity

Second Life Left Unity (SLLU) is an international socialist and anti-capitalist organisation which operates entirely within Second Life. Originally established by members of the Scottish Socialist Party[9] and other left activists,[10] it challenged the Front National when it attempted to establish a base within the virtual reality world,[11] demanding that they were only allowed to operate in adult areas of the game.[12] More recently it has also supported IBM workers[13] in Italy protest against low pay[14]

SL Bank

SL Bank, (SLB) is an investment fund which arbitrages inefficiencies of virtual land and currency markets. SL Bank was founded by Joshua Zarwel and went live on June 4, 2006.

SL Bay Auctions

SL BAY Auctions Sl Bay Auctions was developed to purchase real world and Second Life items completely with Linden dollars.

SL Capital Exchange

The SL Capital Exchange (CapEx) is a virtual stock exchange operating in Second Life. The exchange's website allows for continuous trading of virtual securities offered by companies operating within Second Life. Founded by Investor Allen in May 2007 as the AllenVest International Exchange, it was purchased by Arbitrage Wise's JT Financials Bank in August 2007 and integrated into its banking system.

SL Investor's Bank

SL Investor's Bank (SLIB) was a virtual bank and financial services company operating in Second Life. SLIB was founded 19th of February, 2007. SLIB is managed, and was founded by Tyrian Camilo. SL Investor's Bank was renamed to SL International Business after the infamous "banking ban" by Linden Lab, and has become an holding / venture capital company, exchanged in the Ancapex.


SL-hosting is a Dutch company that helps other RL companies present themselves in Second Life. SL-hosting serves companies such as Service Apotheek, Rain4all, Creative designz and


SLOz is a news and community portal created specifically for Australian users of Second Life. It publishes daily news stories as well as providing a forum and in-world presence to help new Australian users of Second Life

SL Pulse

The SL Pulse is a Second Life press release service that allows any individual or business to publish their Second Life related news announcement on the site to be read directly or picked up for syndication by media outlets and bloggers.

SL Reports

SL Reports publishes daily news and business stories allowing comments and input from readers as well as providing a forum and free classified ads. SL Reports also provides a feature called "The People's Voice of SL", allowing users to record voice comments to be played on the web site.

The Electric Sheep Company

The Electric Sheep Company is a design, building and scripting firm that creates content for three-dimensional online worlds. Originating in Second Life, they have done work on the Virtual Laguna Beach project for MTV[15][16], Starwood Hotels/aloft,[17] and Sony BMG Music,[18] as well as creating the OnRez version fork of the client software.

Titan Industries Inc.

Titan Industries is a development group that produces and sells weaponry, armors, vehicles, and other related products in Second Life. Originally founded in 2005 by Keno Pontopiddan, it remained dormant until late 2006 when the company was passed over to Aryte Vesperia. Its "second founding" originated from a group of former military community members (Novus Ordo Imperialis) that retired from combat roles to build. Titan is currently based out of the Azure Island's simulator Ratin, pending a change after the first of the company's estate simulators (Titan) came online during May of 2007. Titan Industries is a profit-share organization, utilising returns from their sales to benefit group projects rather than to individually profit. The company is currently run by Aryte Vesperia (President), Steff Flintoff (Vice President), Timmahy Widget (Director of Scientific Advancement), Demo Radio (Director of Development), and Xang Xiao (Director of Public Relations).

U.S. Black Operations

U.S. Black Operations is a provider of firearms, military uniforms and owns a large quantity of locations over the landmass of Second Life, and several simulators. Black Operations' gross income to date is unknown, but it is believed to have become one of the most profitable retail businesses in Second Life since its inception in June 2006. The business includes several renowned residents of Second Life, such as Grey Blankes (founder and current owner), Kayla Stonecutter (scripter), Ben Dmytryk and Mavericus Nelson (modelers) and Mark Karlfeldt (animator).

V3 Group

V3 Group's creative lead is avatar Liam Kanno, who created the sims for the Transformers, Die Hard and 300 movies for Picture Production Co. As a full service developer, it builds for corporate clients such as SAP and Steelcase on the key elements of the virtual world in Second Life - Consulting, Sim Design & Development, and Events.

Virtual Vision Studios

Virtual Vision Studios is a Creative Design Agency providing many services such as full HTML and Flash-based web design, Logo Design, Branding and in-world Architecture, AVV have worked with many in-world companies such as Catalyst, WIC, WSE, SL Marketing, Krystal Epic and KAITO, and their slogan is "AVV Studios - Design & Distinction".

VistaLogic Limited

VistaLogic Ltd specialises in mobile strategy, integrated social media, web design & automation, 2D/3D digital brand, modelling, content design, creation & management. In Second Life, VistaLogic is known as L-Tek.

Web Star Japan

Web Star Japan provides full services and solutions about Second Life ( 3D virtual world ): 3D Modeling, Animation, Avatar, Machinima, Virtual Marketing, Programming and Project Management.

World Stock Exchange

World Stock Exchange (WSE) is a virtual securities exchange developed for use in the virtual world of Second Life. The exchange provides Second Life companies with the ability to raise capital from the global investment market using the in-world fictional Linden currency and the new World Internet Currency(WIC).

The WSE has been surrounded by controversy since it began operation. Due to the difficulty in regulating "companies" that trade on the exchange, there have been a number of "CEOs" who have run off with IPO funds, leaving investors with nothing. Other issues, such as security and downtime have plagued the exchange, including a stealing of funds by an "employee" who "hacked" the system and left with stored funds.[citation needed]

Operated inside Second Life

These are businesses and organizations originating in real life that have operated in Second Life and were not founded specifically for Second Life, but have involved themselves in the world.



  • ABN AMRO Bank has opened a virtual branch in Second Life.
  • Adidas Reebok have created a permanent presence in Second Life.[21][22]
  • American Apparel opened a branch inside the virtual world selling digital renderings of clothing modeled after real-life merchandise.[23]
  • American Cancer Society has held a version of its Relay For Life national fundraising event inside Second Life.[24]
  • Avnet, Inc. has opened a virtual Avnet Technology Museum in Second Life based on their real world museum located at their corporate headquarters.
  • Axel Springer AG together with Bild. T-Online, have produced a tabloid-style newspaper for Second Life, The AvaStar in December 2006.[citation needed] AvaStar Island was built by Aimee Weber.[citation needed]
  • BBC Radio 1 recreated the 2006 One Big Weekend event on a 64 acre virtual island in Second Life.[25]
  • Bigpond has created 11 islands called "The Pond" for their Broadband, Cable & ADSL members. Bigpond's Second Life
  • Centric, an advertising agency based in Los Angeles, opened its Second Life office in October 2006. Centric has also started a De-advertising campaign by buying adspace in Second Life and turning it into public parks.[26]
  • Cisco Has a 4 sim's presence in Second Life to promote products and demonstrations along with live presentations and was designed by SL Brand.
  • Colonius [2] a direct replica of the telecommunications-tower in Cologne was created by rapidSL Development in Second Life. [3]
  • Creative Commons is building a community in Second Life around Creative Commons licenses and standards through events and projects in the virtual world.[27]
  • Crescendo Designuses Second Life to help clients visualize residential design concepts and to educate them about the value of sustainable design principles.
  • Dell sells PCs in Second Life. [4]
  • depo consulting ltd[28], a management consultancy specialising in the Internet and new media, were notable in that they closed their physical office to run their business using a Second life office[29]. Their in-world services have included design, build and events for clients including Field Fisher Waterhouse, Informa and the BBC. They blog on their experiences in Second Life and social media [5]
  • Disney employed Second Life Resident Fizik Baskerville (and others in his team) to create content based on production designer's specs for the films The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,[30] Pirates of the Caribbean[31] Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest[31] & Pirates of the Caribbean 3[31] and The Chronicles of Narnia[31]
  • Rheinturm Düsseldorf Tower was created in Second Life by Beatenetworks
  • Endemol has created a version of Big Brother in Second Life.[32][33]
  • Enel launched its own island in Second life in July 2007, Enel Park, with power plants projects under construction in real life, moto and racing circuit, movie theater, contest and engaging games, commercial area and offices. Enel Park can show how will be the future of energy and the prospective of a real sustainable development. On the Hydrogen Park, thanks to Enel sponsor of Ducati Bike, all users can drive a moto with the real sound of its engine.
  • Eudoxa became the first public policy think tank to host a seminar in Second Life
  • Faber Maunsell is an Engineering consultancy firm that is currently developing a space within Second Life to be able to display the buildings that they design. Faber Maunsell is also looking to use Second Life as a marketing tool. [6]
  • Forward Together, the PAC headed by former Virginia Governor Mark Warner, is integrating Second Life into its campaign strategy .[34]


  • Gabetti Property Solutions created the Gabetti Island containing the company Headquarters and a perfect replica of one of the houses they sell in Real Life (RL): the aim of the presence is communicate the brand in foreign markets and develop a virtual business strategy by buying, selling and intermediating digital real estate properties.[35]
  • Graphico are a creative digital design and development agency that works with clients at strategic levels for their direct digital marketing needs with solutions that leverage web, mobile and Second Life technologies.[36][37]
  • Hard To Find has launched the worlds first DJ Equipment megastore HTFR within Second Life. A virtual representation of its real world store, it contains a wide range of vinyl, DJ equipment and accessories for users of Second Life to not only look at but to also purchase. The aim is to not only bring HTFR to a wider world wide audience, who may not be able to visit their real world store in Birmingham, UK. But to also give like minded DJs a haven to meet up and chat in.[38]
  • Harvard Law School and Harvard Extension School offered a course called "CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion" within Second Life in 2006.[39][40]
  • IBM recently met in Second Life to discuss the effects of Massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) on business.[41] The initial forays into SL were driven by a group in the UK called Eightbar. A team of IBMers led by epredator potato (Ian Hughes) and algernon spackler (Andrew Reynolds) working out of IBM Hursley near Winchester. Recently other IBM companies joined SL, as for instance IBM Italia, founded by avatar Eadoin Welles.
  • ING Group has established a virtual community with a presence in Second Life, called ourvirtualholland.
  • Leo Burnett Worldwide has established a creative hub in Second Life for globally dispersed staff to interact within.[42]
  • Lichtenstein Creative Media has set up a 16-acre virtual broadcasting facility in Second Life, from which it has delivered live radio broadcasts.[43]
  • LTS Productions established a virtual machinima production presence in Second Life in 2006, called Machinima by Silver and Goldie.
  • Institute of Rural Health: Rameshsharma Ramloll, faculty at the Institute of Rural Health at Idaho State University has led the implementation of *play2train*, a 32 acre virtual environment for emergency preparedness training in Second Life. This project is funded by (Health Resources and Services Administration) HRSA[44]


  • Market Truths Limited provides quantitative and qualitative market research services to both organizations in Second Life and organizations interested in Second Life. Research methods include surveys, focus groups, interviews, and observational and experimental research.[45] Market Truths won the SL Business Plan competition run by The Electric Sheep Company and Edelman.[46]
  • Max March Industries operates a popular radio station called MaxMarchRadio that plays inside the virtual world, develops high-end virtual estates and high-rise residences, and operates several businesses that operate inside Second Life such as STYLEMAKERS (avatar makeovers including skin, hair, and clothing) and The GIFT, a wildly-successful creator of virtual gift boxes and shopping bags that can package objects purchased elsewhere inside Second Life so they can be given to other users as gifts. Another site is maintained with blogs and news from Max March Industries, that is Max Updates[47][48]
  • Mazda is giving away their concept car Hakaze on Nagare Island and is presenting kite surfing.[citation needed]
  • broadcast the Home Run Derby and a Red Sox-Yankees game into SL, with the help of the Electric Sheep Company.
  • MTV held a fashion show which was later broadcasted on G-Hole, a show on MTV's IPTV channel, Overdrive.[49]
  • National Physical Laboratory, UK (NPL) developed a virtual hospital for and under medical direction from Imperial College London (ICL) and a series of documentary films (machinima) that describe what healthcare of the future could look like from the patient's perspective. The design of the virtual hospital campus, Second Health,is based on the principles and recommendations outlined in the recently published Healthcare for London: A Framework for Action. NPL and ICL are conducting research using Second Health to evaluate the effectiveness of this new medium for communicating complex healthcare delivery messages.
  • The New Media Consortium, led by CEO Dr. Laurence F. Johnson, built a virtual campus in the spring of 2006 that includes a library, museum, planetarium, auditorium, classrooms, and a welcome center. In the fall of 2006, the community affilitated with the campus had grown to nearly 1000 educators, and the NMC Campus expanded from 1 sim to 7. Plans included a machinma school and a life sciences center. The NMC has hosted several events on the virtual campus including IBM's Global Innovation jam,[50] a Howard Rheingold keynote speech,[51] and an Second Life artists event[52]
  • Omnitel, the leading mobile communications company in Lithuania, has created a Lithuania-shaped island. The island offers oak-planting game, documentary “Flight over Lithuania”, other activities and events. On March 19th, 2008 the first Lithuanian concert in “Second Life“ was organized – famous Lithuanian rock-star Andrius Mamontovas presented his new album to “Second Life” community. The island has become the meeting place for Lithuanians participating in “Second Life”.
  • PA Consulting Group have established a presence in Second Life.[53] The firm uses Second Life to host virtual conferences, recruitment events and as a tool for its clients to simulate new product and service offerings.
  • Reef Ball Foundation has a site in Second Life, trying to create more online awareness for their ecological preservation activities.[verification needed]
  • Reperes market research institute, launches Reperes Second Life, virtual platform of watch and research thanks to the creation of a community: a panel of avatars which may be called upon to address issues faced by brands seeking to establish themselves or develop their offer on Second Life.[54]
  • Reuters has a news bureau which reports news in the virtual universe.[55][56]


  • Simpson Millar LLP is a real life UK based national firm of solicitors. Simpson Millar LLP opened an office in Second Life during 2007 to help the firm better understand the use and practical application of 3D worlds, the legal implications of such worlds and to explore the opportunities to host training, presentations and other events in a 3D virtual world. The Second Life facilities of Simpson Millar LLP are available to other businesses wishing to experiment with internet technology such as Second Life.[citation needed]
  • Sky News has a virtual newsroom, where vistiors can visit the newsroom and see how Sky News is made, reporters and presenters also can be seen from time to time. Also all visitors can take home a TV to watch Sky News.
  • SL-hosting is a Dutch company that helps other RL companies present themselves in Second Life.
  • Slacker Astronomy planetarium in the Carmine region displays audio and video shows about astronomical topics and hosts chats with professional astronomers.
  • SL Police is a law Enforcement type group that has a partnership with Linden Labs to protect the MMORPG from trolls and griefers.
  • Social Media is a consulting company founded by Gunnar Langemark (Second Life: Gunnar Langset) and is physically located in Denmark. Social Media is in Second Life to do research and to consult with clients who want to know about virtual realities like Second Life. Gunnar Langemark has 20 years experience with next generation computer media. You can find Social Media in Second Life by doing a search for "Social Media".
  • Starlife Srl is a consulting company wich provides a full- service of development in virtual world. The company also opened its own bases on Starlife Island in Second Life where it has organized and promoted big event Like Festa del Cinema, Forum PA award and Rome fiction festival. Starlife has realized Enel Park island for Enel SpA.
  • Starwood Hotels in conjunction with The Electric Sheep Company and marketing firm Electric Artists is premiering their new hotel brand, aloft, in Second Life via a virtual construction of the hotel before the actual hotels are built.[17] The building process was documented on More information about Aloft and Second Life on Starwood Aloft leaves Second Life.
  • Sun Microsystems
    • Sun held a metaverse press conference at the launch of their Second Life region Sun Pavilion in October 2006.[citation needed]
    • Sun participated in a press briefing at the CNET headquarters in Second Life in October 2006.[citation needed]
  • Telecom Italia launched four islands in "Second Life" in July 2007, offering a football stadium, Formula 1 circuit, drive-in movie theater, beach party area and various offices. Telecom Italia also developed the "First Life Communicator", a device allowing avatars to call and send SMS to other avatars and Italian telephone numbers (in limited beta period).[57]
  • Telus Mobility (Telus) opened a Second Life retail outlet offering replica mobile phones with Second Life specific features. In the near future the store may be offering its real lineup of mobile phones with a twist, to Canadian avatars.[citation needed]
  • Text 100, a leading global technology PR firm opened its virtual office in Second Life in August 2006.[verification needed]
  • Toyota (via Millions of Us) have offered a virtual replica of the Scion xB[21]
  • Union Island is a shared international community for trade unions with its own island sim as a base for events. The project was initiated in 2008 by Trades Union Congress, Union Network International and the New Unionism Network, with support from organisations including ver.di, UNISON and RSU IBM Vimercate.
  • Universal Motown Records Group created a presence within Second Life.[58][59] The Universal SoundScape Music venue was created by InWorld Studios to promote the rock band Hinder and the hip-hop sensation Chamillionaire.
  • The University of Southern California's Center on Public Diplomacy owns its own Second Life island. The island is used by the Center's Public Diplomacy and Virtual Worlds Project to host events and displays on the role of MMOGs, in public diplomacy.[60][61]
  • Wells Fargo has created a game called Stagecoach Island within Second Life, in which young players earn virtual money by answering financial questions, thereby teaching them the basics of managing their money.[62] Shortly after opening Wells Fargo closed down the site and re-opened Stagecoach Island in
  • The World Transhumanist Association has used Second Life to recruit and organise a transhumanist following within the virtual world and established a large island and conference centre called "Uvvy Island" to disseminate transhumanist ideas and provide unrestricted access to useful materials (including, among other things, videos and webcasts from WTA) to interested but geographically unrelated parties. Uvvy Island is organised like a regional Chapter, and even holds Chapter status within the WTA, holding weekly meetings, talks, and debates on various subjects.[63][64]
  • YearlyKos Convention 2007 - this Net Roots based political organization simulcast their annual convention (at Chicago's McCormick Place Convention Center) into Second Life. The event included 4 days of LIVE streaming video from the convention including the Democratic Presidential Candidates Round Table forum debate and was a groundbreaking event in Netroots political activism.


  1. ^ Madelene Hellstroem (November 25, 2006). Så skapar du dig ett bättre liv online. IDG Sweden. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  2. ^ Tam Wyler (February 02, 2007). Abide by the DCMA. Axel Springer Verlag. Retrieved on 2007-02-02.
  3. ^ Phoenix Psaltery (January 30, 2007). The Swedish are coming! The Swedish are coming!. Phoenix Psaltery. Retrieved on 2007-01-30.
  4. ^ Business - Max March Industries. Max March Industries. Retrieved on 2007-08-10.
  5. ^ MaxUpdates - The Latest from Max March Industries - MaxUpdates. Retrieved on 2007-08-09.
  6. ^ **Sponsors** << The Official SLCC Blog. SLCC2007. Retrieved on 2007-07-30.
  7. ^ Frank Rickett. National Physical Laboratory 'Second Health' project. Planet Video Studios. Retrieved on 2007-09-06.
  8. ^ Frank Rickett. Mexican Department of Tourism New Seven Wonders of the World project focusing on Chichen Itza. Planet Video Studios. Retrieved on 2007-09-06.
  9. ^ Scottish Socialist Voice, Issue 293, Page 9 Cyber-fascists forced off ‘land’
  10. ^ More Political Strife in Second Life - SLLU Versus FN
  11. ^ Exploding pigs and volleys of gunfire as Le Pen opens HQ in virtual world
  12. ^ [ Protesters Demand LL Send Le Pen’s People to M-rated Sims]
  13. ^ UNIONS 2.0: How a Virtual Protest Can Bring us to a "Real" Success
  14. ^ IBM union calls strike in Second Life
  15. ^ Levine, Alan (May 10, 2006). Electric Sheep’s New Media Consortium Video. New Media Consortium. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  16. ^ Paffendorf, Jerry (aka SNOOPYbrown Zamboni) (June 17, 2006). Electric Sheep’s New Media Consortium Video. Electric Sheep Company. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  17. ^ a b Schiller, Marc (August 15, 2006). The Parallels Are Fascinating... and a Bit Eery. Virtual Aloft. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  18. ^ Gold, Jonah (aka Hank Hoodoo) (October 12, 2006). SONY BMG launching Second Life presence. Electric Sheep Company. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  19. ^ Baskerville, Fizik (May 19, 2006). X-MEN 3: the last stand. Linden Lab. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  20. ^ Au, Wagner James (May 22, 2006). The Uncanny X-Men (and News Corp) Come To Second Life. New World Notes. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  21. ^ a b Au, Wagner James (August 20, 2006). Adidas, Toyota come to Second Life. GigaOM. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  22. ^ Wallace, Mark (August 19, 2006). Adidas Reebok Runs to Second Life. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
  23. ^ Jana, Reena (June 27, 2006). American Apparel's Virtual Clothes. Business Week. Retrieved on 2006-11-25.
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