Talk:Buri (Germanic tribe)

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[edit] Buri/Bavari

Hello, that is quite an interesting thought. These might be some early floating Bavarians, before the name became fixed on the current region. Bavaria, of course, comes from the name of the Celtic Boii, but they seem to have fled en masse before the onslaught of the Marcomanni and Quadi. Their former home was then named Bohemia and Bavaria in one form or another by the Germanics settling there. So, one might assume that some Bouroi were Germanic and not Celtic. The Greek would seem to have the required w in the form of a u. I don't see the etymology in the Wikipedia article on Bavaria (yet) but the name underwent quite a few alterations before it settled down to Bavaria. It would be tough to say exactly how it got to bouroi, whether Ptolemy was using Greek bou- "cow" or some abbreviated form of *Boiowar. Boii of course means the people of kine, parallel (W)itali. I think the suggestion is good enough to be in here in proper format not just as an Italicised comment. It's a suggestion, of course, not a certainty. And, I think YOU ought to do it, as you made the suggestion. If you care enough to have thought that much about it perhaps you care enough to go a little further. I look forward in the not too distant future to seeing your suggestion written up nicely. Best of luck.Dave 05:59, 25 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Boiovari

Boiovari (inhabitants of the Boii land) -> Baiuvari -> Bavari —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

It's looks like the Celtic Boii have given their name to the Germanic Bavarians and the Slavic Bohemians (the Czechs). —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
I suspect the Buri (Bouroi) = Bauari = Bavari = Bavarians. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

[edit] Error in text?

The text reads: "Ptolemy, however, mentions the Lougoi Bouroi (transliterated by the scholars into Latin Lugi Buri)". Actually, according to this Greek source the actual Greek is "οῦγοι οἱ Βοῦποι" which should read "Lougoi oi Broupoi" I think. Ori Redler 15:01, 18 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Buri

Leave the poor Buri alone! They're all dead now, anyways...!

And let's leave linguistics and etymology to historical linguists.

Bouroi has to be read as būri (as was done by the Latin writers). There is no diphthong there, least of all a palatal one (i.e. with an ɪ in it). The -varii formations are commonplace in ancient ethnonyms, and if there had been such a formation of "inhabitants of Buri lands", it would have been *burovarii. Their name is quite certainly not the origin of the name Bavaria.

The Bouroi bow off stage verily indeed. They disappear from the record (which is, for ancient peoples, a fairly common thing to do). Unfortunately, this stays true, even if one very proud citizen of Terras de Bouro does what has been done by legions of pundits: taking a more or less homonymous term from Antiquity and using it to give a modern term some of the glamour of the ancients. This happens a lot, among others to the Boii who were claimed by the Bowyer family as ancestors (I kid you not!). I will gladly accept an etymology based on ancient records mentioning Bouroi/Buri in Lusitania, but not one solely based on one scholar's regional pride. So please include some evidence for that theory, if there be any. Trigaranus (talk) 23:28, 4 February 2008 (UTC)