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La expresión caput Castellae La frase completa es "caput Castellae et camara regia", originada en el latín, que significa ‘cabeza de Castilla y cámara regia’ y es el título de la ciudad de Burgos. Pertenece al partido de Burgos, provincia del mismo nombre, en la Comunidad Autonoma de Castilla y Leon, anteriormente en la region de Castilla la Vieja. La capital de la provincia es la ciudad de Burgos. La tierra burgalesa sufrió la dominación romana, y la vieja Castilla, a la que hace referencia la expresión de líneas arriba, tuvo su origen, como modesto condado en los páramos burgaleses. Burgos fue cabeza de Castilla, Caput Castellae.
Actually the complete motto is "Caput Castellæ, camera regia, prima voce et fide", meaning 'head of Castile, royal chamber, first in voice and in faith'.
Is it me, or does the expression "might be by Phidias" ambiguous? It could be interpreted as "are attributed to Phidias", which is not only false but absurd (they were made in the 15th century). maybe further clarification is necessary.
The opening sentence regarding Neanderthal fossil up to 800,000 years before present is incorrect. There is another species, called "Homo antecessor" which has been found near Burgos dating from 1.2 million years before present to 800,000 years before present. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:25, 26 May 2008 (UTC)