Burg Blankenstein

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Image:Burg Blancenstein um 1910.jpg
Burg Blancenstein around 1910
Image:Burg Blancenstein 004.jpg
Burg Blancenstein in 2005

Burg Blancenstein is a castle located on the south site of the river Ruhr in Hatingen, Germany. Its tower can be visited and offers a good view on Bochum and the Kemnader See. It was built in 1227 by the earls of the Grafschaft Mark. In 1614, shortly before Thirty Years' War, it was occupied by Spanish troops. The facilities belong to the city of Baukum since 1922, but the town is looking for an alternative due to the costs.

Coordinates: 51°24′25″N, 7°13′49″E
