Bulbine bulbosa

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Bulbine bulbosa

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Asparagales
Family: Asphodelaceae
Genus: Bulbine
Species: B. bulbosa
Binomial name
Bulbine bulbosa
(R.Br.) Haw.

Bulbine bulbosa is a flowering plant in the family Asphodelaceae, native to eastern Australia. It has star shaped flowers which are yellow. It has many common names including Bulbine Lily, Golden Lily, Leek Lily, Wild Onion, Yellow Onion Weed and Native Leek. It can reach as high as 75cm. The flowers only last for one day. The bulbous roots of the plant were used as food by the Aborigines. However it causes scouring if eaten by sheep or cattle.

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