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This is a documentation subpage for Template:Bugstatus (see that page for the template itself).
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.


[edit] Usage

Below is list of terms to use for the Template:Bugstatus - as you can see the results are also shown.

[edit] Status:

| ack | acknowledge | acknowledged       =  Acknowledged
| ass | assign | asn | assigned          =  Assigned
| cls | clo | clos | close | closed      =  Closed
| con | conf | cnf | confirm | confirmed =  Confirmed
| fdb | feed | fed | feb | feedback      =  Feedback required
| res | resolve | resolved               =  Resolved
| new | #default                         =  New

[edit] Resolution:

| fix | fixed                           =  Fixed
| res | resolve | resolved              =  Resolved
| lat | later                           =  Later
| inv | invalid                         =  Invalid
| wfm | works for me | worksforme       =  Works for me
| wnf | wontfix | wont fix | won't fix  =  Won't fix
| #default                              = res or none

[edit] =Reason

| reason                                = eventual reason