Bud Dajo

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Bud Dajo, Philippines
6° 0' 48" N
121° 3' 24" E
Nearby cities Patikul, Jolo
Province Sulu
Region Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao
Physical features
Elevation 620 m
Base diameter 9.5 km
Type of volcano cinder cone
Crater lakes Lake Panamao
Matanding (400 m, NE)
Guimba (482 m, E)
Sungal (518 m, SE)
Geological features
Rock type Basalt
Tectonic setting Sulu Arc
Volcanic activity
Year Eruption Character
1641 Phreatic

Bud Dajo is the name of an active volcano on the Philippine island of Jolo. It last erupted in 1897.

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