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Bucchero [ˈbukkero] (via ital. from port. bucáro – “odorous clay”) is a type of black pottery typical for the Etruscan civilization. It is believed to have been first made in the early 7th century BC at the Etruscan settlement of Cerveteri.

Firing method turned the clay black, and the surface was shiny and metallic-looking because it was carefully burnished before firing. There may exist a connection with Villanovan impasto. Etruscan urn pottery was known for its similarity in shape to Greek vessels, yet constructed with local materials.

[edit] See also


[edit] Further reading

  • Hirschland-Ramage, Nancy (1970). "Studies in Early Etruscan Bucchero". Papers of the British School at Rome 38: 1–61. 
  • Rasmussen, Tom B. (1979). Bucchero pottery from Southern Etruria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-22316-4.