(Note: The vector version that I created is a bar chart, as I don't think a pie chart is appropriate when the numbers don't sum to 100%. Feel free to comment and/or hack away at my chart.)
Note that the question allowed participants to check more than one OS. The percentages around the graph are out of the total answers; the percentages in the key are out of the total participants.
Explanation of chart
The BSD Certification Group, after advertising on a number of mailing lists, surveyed 4330 BSD users, 3958 of whom took the survey in English. Other languages offered were Brazilian and European Portuguese, German, Italian, and Polish. Note that there was no control group or pre-screening of the survey takers. Those who checked "Other" were asked to specify that operating system. Note that the operating system survey takers filled in for "other" may or may not be considered BSD operating systems by most people.
Note that because survey takers were permitted to select more than one answer, the percentages shown in the key, which are out of the total survey takers (4330), add up to greater than 100%. The percentages shown around the chart, which were used to size the sections, are out of the total answers (5860). Note that if a survey taker filled in more than one choice for "other", this is still only counted as one vote for other on this chart.
The survey was conducted in September, 2005.
As the author of this chart, I hereby release it under the BSD license, with no advertising clause. In case this is not possible, it may be used freely under public domain. I believe BSD can be relicensed under GPL, but in case it cannot, I hereby grant permission to relicense this under GPL. Armedblowfish 02:15, 22 April 2006 (UTC)
The information in this chart is from the BSD Certification Group, specifically, the pdf file of usage survey results.
The PDF states: The BSD Certification Group encourages any individual or organization who uses or advocates BSD systems to use the survey data in their own material, providing they credit the BSD Certification Group as the originating source of the data. Suggestions for future BSD usage surveys are also welcome and can be submitted using the contact form at the BSD Certification Groups's website
Created with OpenOffice.org Calc. Also used OpenOffice.org Draw.