Bruno Mégret

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Bruno Mégret
Bruno Mégret

In office
1989 – 1999

Born April 4, 1949 (1949-04-04) (age 59)
Flag of France Paris
Nationality Flag of France France
Political party Mouvement National Républicain
Religion Roman Catholic

Bruno Mégret (born April 4, 1949) is a French Far-right politician. He is the leader of the Mouvement National Républicain political party, but retired in 2008 from political action.

Bruno Mégret studied at the École Polytechnique and at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, and is by profession a senior civil servant. He also holds a Master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley. A graduate of the armored cavalry school of Saumur, he is also a reserve captain.[1]

Bruno Mégret was ranked 317th at the competition for entrance at École Polytechnique in 1969, and since at that time only 300 candidates were admitted every year, he could enter only because some students preferred to study at the slightly more prestigious École Normale Supérieure and turned down the École Polytechnique. However, at École Polytechnique he proved a very dedicated student, and was ranked 5th at the end of the studies. This enabled him to choose between the École des Mines and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées to finish his engineering studies. After graduating from the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, he spent the academic year 1974-1975 in Berkeley, and obtained a Master of Science. He then returned to France, the work for the Ministère de l'Équipement. In 1975, he met Yvan Blot at the Commissariat Général du Plan, who invited him to join the Club de l'Horloge. At the Club de l'Horloge, he became friend with Jean-Claude Bardet and Jean-Yves Le Gallou, who with Yvan Blot were also members of the GRECE. In 1977, Bruno Mégret started to work as an engineer on highway construction, at the Direction Départementale de l'Équipement (DDE) of Essonne. During this period, he contributed to the publications of the Club de l'Horloge. In 1979, he became technical advisor to the minister of cooperation Robert Galley. He also joined the Rassemblement pour la République (conservative political party) and was conservative candidate for legislative elections in 1981 against Michel Rocard in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.

Bruno Mégret on September, 22 in Paris.
Bruno Mégret on September, 22 in Paris.

In 1981, after the defeat of the conservatives in legislative elections, finding the RPR too moderate, and realizing that not being a graduate from the École Nationale d'Administration like Jacques Toubon or Jean-François Mancel or Alain Juppé was slowing down his political career in the Rassemblement pour la République, he went on to create the Comités d'Action Républicaine (CAR). However, the appearance of the Front National at the European Parliament elections of 1984, shattered the hopes of the CAR which did not even manage to have a list of candidates for these elections.

In 1985 Bruno Mégret joined Jean-Marie Le Pen's Front National (far-right political party). In 1986 he was elected to the French National Assembly, representing Isère. In 1987 he organised Le Pen's election campaign and became the number two (délégué général) in the movement. He became member of the European Parliament for the FN between 1989 and 1999. In 1989, Bruno Mégret created the Institut de formation nationale, thr Centre d'études et d'argumentaires, the magazine Identité, the conseil scientifique and the publishing house Editions Nationales to elaborate the doctrine and diffuse the ideas of the Front National. His friends of the Club de l'Horloge Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Jean-Claude Bardet, Yvan Blot and Jean-Jacques Mourreau of the CAR also secured key positions in the hierarchy of the Front National.

However, the relationship between Le Pen and Mégret turned sour during the following decade. Mégret and others inside the Front started criticizing Le Pen's "extremist" positions, which, they argued, prevented the Front from obtaining political executive positions. Moreover, Bruno Mégret started to become very popular with the militants of the party, winning a large support against his rival Bruno Gollnisch that had been made vice-president and general secretary of the Front National by Le Pen in 1995. On february 9, 1997 Bruno Mégret's wife, Catherine Mégret was elected mayor of Vitrolles.[2] Following the social unrest of November-December 1995, Bruno Mégret developed a strategy of creating new unions (FN-RATP, FN-TCL, FN-Poste, Mouvement pour un Education Nationale, FN-Police) and professional organisations tied to the Front National to increase the audience of the party.[3] This strategy contrasted sharply with the previous traditional anti-union stance of the Front National.

In 1998, Bruno Mégret split from the Front National and founded the Mouvement National Républicain.[4].

He received 2.33% of the vote in the first round of the 2002 French presidential election. Bruno Mégret endorsed Jean-Marie Le Pen in the runoff against Jacques Chirac.

In 2007, he supported Jean-Marie Le Pen in the French presidential election.

In 2008, facing a lot of problems, he decides to retire from political field.

  1. ^ Romain Rosso L'ascension d'un homme dangereux L'Express, 02/26/1998
  2. ^ Steffan Heuer TIME Magazine Feb. 10, 1997
  3. ^ Jacques Breitenstein Offensive sociale du Front national Le Monde Diplomatique March 1997
  4. ^ Paul Webster Le Pen win cuts far right's lifeline Wednesday May 12, 1999

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