Bruce J. Tromberg

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Bruce J. Tromberg is an American photochemist. He is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the College of Medicine, University of California, Irvine and at the The Henry Samueli School of Engineering at Irvine. He is also the Director of the Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic at Irvine.


[edit] Education and specialty

Tromberg received a B.A., in Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in 1979, and a M.S.(1983) and Ph.D.(1988) in Chemistry at the University of Tennessee, working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

He is a specialist in the area of the interaction of laser radiation and tissue, and particularly in using diagnostic techniques including optical tomography and other methods such as photon migration--a technique of which he is the developed-- to analyze the effects of laser energy on tissue. He has also worked more generally in the field of biomedical optics including tissue optical spectroscopy, frequency-domain photon migration, non-linear microscopy, and photodynamic therapy.

[edit] Career

Tromberg has chaired several OSA meetings on biomedical optics and served as a member of several NIH panels on imaging related topics. He has been a guest editor of both OSA and Lasers in Medicine and Surgery journals and has also been on the advisory council on optical technologies for the US Public Health Service.

Tromberg is serving a two year term on the SPIE Board of Directors that will be completed at the end of this year. He has been a member of the SPIE Publications Committee for a number of years and is currently editor-in-chief of SPIE's Journal of Biomedical Optics

He has supervised the research of over 19 postdoctoral fellows, and of 9 Ph.D. students.

[edit] Publications

His publications include 40 peer-reviewed papers, 115 conference papers, 14 book chapters, and 10 patents. Among his most important papers are:

  • Zoumi, A. Yeh, A. Tromberg, B.J. Imaging Cells And Extracellular Matrix In Vivo Using Second-Harmonic Generation And Two-Photon Excited Fluorescence, . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, , 99, 11014 – 11019, 2002.
  • Shah, N., Cerussi, A., Eker, C., Espinoza, J., Butler, J., Fishkin, J., Hornung, R., Tromberg, B. Non-Invasive Functional Optical Spectroscopy of Human Breast Tissue. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 98, 4420-4425, 2001.
  • Fishkin, J. B., Coquoz, O., Anderson, E. R., Brenner, M., Tromberg, B. J. Frequency-domain photon migration measurements of normal and malignant tissue optical properties in a human subject. Applied Optics. 36: 10-20, (1997).
  • Tromberg, B.J., Coquoz, O., Fishkin, J.B., Pham, T., Anderson, E.R., Butler, J., Cahn, M., Gross, J.D., Venugopalan, V., Pham, D. Non-Invasive Measurements of Breast Tissue Optical Properties Using Frequency-Domain Photon Migration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London pt.B. 352, 661-668 (1997).

[edit] Grants

Principal Investigator:

  • National Institutes of Health 4/1/99-4/31/03, Laser Microbeam Biotechnology Resource, $5.1 million
  • U.S. Army, (BC972457), 9/30/98-10/30/01, Measurements of Breast Tissue Optical Properties, $122,120
  • California Breast Cancer Research Program, 07/01/00 – 06/30/03, Non-Invasive Optical Characterization of Breast Physiology, $499,915
  • National Science Foundation, 2/1/00-2/1/02 , Fiber Optics Confocal Module for Biomedical Application (SBIR - Intelligent Optical Systems), $59,302

and similar earlier grants.

[edit] Awards and honors

  • SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Fellow, 2007
  • Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Biology and Medicine, U.S. Chair, 2004.
  • Spring 2001: Optical Society of America, Bio-Optics Working Group, chairman elect
  • November 2000: Coherent-Biophotonics “Young Investigator in Biophotonics” Award.
  • April 2000-present: Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Research Scholar.
  • September 1999: Cornelius Hopper Innovation Award, California Breast Cancer Research Symposium.
  • July/1999-present: Editor - in - Chief, Journal of Biomedical Optics.
  • July 1997 : The Engineering Foundation, Advances in Optical Technology for Medicine and Surgery, Co-chairman, Biannual meeting, Snowbird, Utah.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

NAME Tromberg, Bruce
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Tromberg, Bruce Jason (full name)