Bruce Alan Walton
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Bruce Alan Walton (born September 7, 1960), better known by his pen name "Branton," is the author of the Branton Files, a series of documents espousing various conspiracy theories. His alias is a combination of letters from his name – BRuce AlaN WalTON; he also goes by "Alan DeWalton".
Walton composed the "Branton Files" and distributed them over the internet sometime during the 1990s.
He also compiled a links page on the "Dulce Base" controversy =
He claims also to have been an alien abductee all through his childhood, and grew up in a Masonic 'religious' fraternity (some claim that Freemasonry was infiltrated by a subversive organization called the Bavarian Illuminati as early as 1776), which he alleges maintain secret ties with 'reptilian humanoid' entities that exist within the planet's interior, such as those which David Icke writes about.
He claims that the abuse that he experienced during his youth, as a result of these alleged abductions, nearly ruined his life. These abuses included the reception of 'alien implants'. However, feeling that he had nothing left to lose, he states that he is now only intent on helping to destroy those who destroyed his life.
He is adamant, however, that we should distinguish the alien hybrids from the full-blood reptiloids that are controlled by the alien hive (as some have referred to the electromagnetic matrix which links the minds of these aliens) since many of the 'hybrids' have a human-like soul-matrix and individuality, and may even be instrumental in helping to stop the "assimilation" of the minds and bodies of humans by other, more draconian, alien species.
His "webnet" (Website Network) can be accessed through the following link:
Also, other internal links of interest include Agharta, Hollow Earth, and underground cities...