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/* Modified version of User:Outriggr/metadata.js */ var linkColor = "#002BB8"; var linkLead = '<a style="color:' + linkColor + ';" href="/wiki/Category:Wikipedia 1.0 assessments">'; function loadXMLDoc(url) { // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { var tpreq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var tpreq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } if (tpreq) { tpreq.onreadystatechange = function () { if (tpreq.readyState==4) { // if "OK" if (tpreq.status==200) { getAssessment(tpreq); } // else { alert("Problem retrieving data:" + tpreq.statusText); } } // else { alert("Problem retrieving data:" + tpreq.statusText); } };"GET", url, true); tpreq.send(""); } } function getAssessment(myreq) { var talk = myreq.responseText; //.toLowerCase(); var otherInfo = ""; /* WP:IE addition by BHG */ var wp_ie_re = /\{\{(WikiProject Ireland|WPIRELAND|WPIreland|IrelandProj|Irelandproj|Ireland Proj)[^\}]+\}\}/m; 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background-color:green; font-weight:bold; margin: 0.3em 1em 1em 1em; padding: 0.2em 1em 1em 1em;'><a href='' style='background-color:white; padding:4px;'>WikiProject Ireland assessment</a><div style='font-weight:bold; clear:left; color:black; padding:0.5em; background-color:white;'>Tag = <code style='color:green;'>" + WPieTag[0] + "</code><br /><a href=\"" + encodedURI + "\" title=\"Edit the talk page to change the tag\">Edit tag</a></div></div>"; } else { otherInfo = otherInfo + "<span style='margin-left:3em'><i><b>Not tagged</i></b> for <a href=''>WikiProject Ireland</a></span>" } if ( talk.match(/class *= *a/i) ) { update("#007BFF", "An " + linkLead + "A-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/\{\{ga[|}]/i ) || talk.match(/currentstatus *= *(ffa\/)?ga/i) ) { update("#007700", 'A <a style="color:' + linkColor + ';" href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Good Articles">Good Article</a>', otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/class *= *b/i) ) { update("#999933", "A " + linkLead + "B-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/class *= *start/i) ) { update("#BB6600", "A " + linkLead + "Start-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/class *= *stub/i) ) { update("#990011", "A " + linkLead + "Stub-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/class *= *list/i) ) { update("#990011", "A " + linkLead + "List-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else if ( talk.match(/class *= *temp/i) ) { update("#990011", "A " + linkLead + "Template-class</a> article", otherInfo);} else { update("#000000", "An " + linkLead + "unassessed</a> article", otherInfo);} } function update(color, slogan, info) { document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].style.cssText = "color: " + color + ";"; 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