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The Brotherhood of Avon Grove was an original concept developed by the three original member, Brian Barlow, Louis Donough and Robert Risley on January 9, 2005. The original intent of the alliance was to conquor the 610 (or, the hood as they call it) in the name of Slayer and Iron Maiden.

Since it's conception, the group has expanded to include more members with which to spread the word. They are known for secretive meetings and rituals, usually held in Risley's basement and hold one mother all-powerful. This mother has been known to drive these kids to buy drugs in the middle of the night, although they lied to her about where they were actually going.

They are known to wear black, although one of the founding members is fond as dressing up in women's clothes and answer to the name of Miss Bitsy. This is considered by some to be an altar-ego; however, the attacks have been less frequent in recent times, leading members to believe he is simply a transvestite.

All of the Brotherhood attend Avon Grove High School, where they succeed in terrorizing freshmen and playing musical instruments REALLY LOUDLY. They are also adept at slamming kids into lockers - a punishment which is usually desereved, as none of the brotherhood are bullies, really. They just think they are.

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