Brown University Alma Mater

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Brown University Coat of Arms

Brown University traditions hold that two songs are sung public events and gatherings related to the University. The traditional alma mater song was created in 1860 and a second school fight song was written in the 20th century.


[edit] Alma Mater

The Alma Mater was written by James Andrews DeWolf (Class of 1861) in 1860, who named it "Old Brown" and set it to the tune of "Araby's Daughter" (which was later known as "The Old Oaken Bucket"). [1] The song was renamed "Alma Mater", after the incipit, in 1869.[2] It is sung and played after varsity athletic victories and at formal events such as Convocation and Commencement.

Alma Mater! we hail thee with loyal devotion,
And bring to thine altar our off'ring of praise;
Our hearts swell within us, with joyful emotion,
As the name of old Brown in loud chorus we raise.
The happiest moments of youth's fleeting hours,
We've passed, 'neath the shade of these time-honored walls,
And sorrows as transient as April's brief showers
Have clouded our life in Brunonia's halls.

And when we depart from thy friendly protection,
And boldly launch out upon life's stormy main,
We'll oft look behind us, with grateful affection,
And live our bright college days over again.
When from youth we have journeyed to manhood's high station,
And hopeful young scions around us have grown,
We'll send them, with love and deep veneration,
As pilgrims devout, to the shrine of Old Brown.

And when life's golden autumn with winter is blending,
And brows, now so radiant, are furrowed by care;
When the blightings of age on our heads are descending.
With no early friends all our sorrows to share; -
Oh! then, as in memory backward we wander,
And roam the long vista of past years adown,
On the scenes of our student life often we'll ponder,
And smile, as we murmur the name of Old Brown.

[edit] Ever True To Brown

Brown's official fight song Ever True To Brown was written by Donald Jackson (Class of 1909). The song is played by the Brown Band at varsity athletic events. The unofficial version is alternately played by the Band as well.

Traditional version Unofficial version

We are ever true to Brown,
For we love our college dear,
And wherever we may go,
We are ready with a cheer,
And the people always say,
That you can't outshine Brown Men,
With their Rah! Rah! Rah!
And their Ki! Yi! Yi!
And their B-R-O-W-N!

We are ever true to Brown,
For we love our college dear,
And wherever we may go, (Where are we going?)
We are ready with a beer,
And the people always say, (What do they say?)
That you can't outdrink Brown Men, (and Women!)
With a scotch and rye,
And a whiskey dry,
And a B-O-U-R-B-O-N!

[edit] References

  1. ^ Caroline C. Landau (2006). The Man Behind the Song: James Andrew DeWolf and the Unlikely “Alma Mater”. Retrieved on 2007-12-17.
  2. ^ Mitchell, Martha. (1993). "Alma Mater." Encyclopedia Brunoniana

[edit] External links