Brodie Hanson

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Brodie Hanson
First appearance July 28, 2000
Episode 2885
Last appearance February 13, 2004
Episode 3676
Portrayed by Susie Rugg
Gender Female
Family JT Hanson (brother)
Spouse(s) Alex Poulos (divorced)

Brodie Hanson was a fictional character in the Australian soap opera Home and Away. The character was portrayed by Susie Rugg.

[edit] Character information

Brodie first came to the bay after fleeing from her jealous, abusive mother, Jan. Shelley Sutherland who worked at the Sarah McKay drop-in-centre, took her into her home and Brodie quickly became like one of her own daughters. Brodie quickly caught the attentions of Mitch McColl, who at the time was dating Hayley Smith.

JT, Brodie's brother later appeared in town and attacked Hayley leaving her traumatized for a while.

On the day Mitch left to stay with his late mother's relatives in New Zealand, Brodie was involved in accident when her bike collided with the car of the newly arrived Alex Poulos. Brodie spent some time in hospital being treated for brain damage and Alex was left feeling guilty.

A while later, Brodie and Alex became a couple, but Alex wanted to end it when things got too serious. Brodie later went on to date Miles Alcott, an old friend of Alex. At the end of the year 11 formal, a jealous Alex drove Miles and Brodie home but tragedy struck when Alex hit a pothole causing the three of them to crash. Paramedics did all they could for Miles but it was too late.

Despite Alex being found Not guilty at the inquest into Miles' death, Brodie blamed Alex for Miles' death for several months.

Brodie later had a short-lived relationship with Mav Patterson, the cousin of Alex's brother-in-law, Vinnie.

Shortly after Mav left, Brodie and Alex got back together but it was cut short as Brodie wanted to see the world after completing Year 12.

Brodie returned in early 2004 and was embroiled in a love triangle with Alex and Hayley, which culminated in a car crash leaving Hayley with memory loss and disfigurement. Brodie and Alex rediscovered their love for one another, but weren't quite sure how to tell Hayley before they left.

In 2007, when Alex returned to Summer Bay it was mentioned things didn't work out with Brodie and they were now divorced.