
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Brian Drake is busy in real life and may not respond swiftly to queries.

This section is updated manually. As I have a dial-up connection, I will sometimes be disconnected, which prevents me from updating the message.

This user is offline, or has forgotten to update this message since starting a wikisession.
(If there have been multiple edits from this user in the last 60 minutes and the most recent one wasn't to activate this template, it is safe to assume that this user forgot.)

Last update: 05:09, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

This section is updated automatically. It should be updated by StatusBot. As of 2007-12-04, StatusBot is down, so a backup bot has taken over, but apparently it's very slow.

The Status Bot has been blocked.
See my last edit here.
Current status: Offline