British Birds Rarities Committee

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The British Birds grouse logo
British Birds
grouse logo

The British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC), established in 1959, is the recognised national bird rarities committee for Britain. It assesses claimed sightings of rare birds ("BB rarities"), based on descriptions, photographs and video recordings submitted by the observers. Its findings are usually published in British Birds magazine.

A total of around 250 species are covered by the BBRC; these are selected based on a numerical threshold and the degree of difficulty of identification. A number of species have become more common, or have become recorded more often, during the committee's period of existence, resulting in many species being removed from the committee's list to be classed as "scarce migrants".

The committee has ten voting members, a chairman and a secretary, and a number of other people serve in an advisory capacity. Since its inception, a total of 66 people have served on the committee as assessors.

In addition to reviewing records of rare birds on an annual basis, the committee has also conducted a number of re-reviews of batches of records on a species-by-species basis, to ensure that only records which tie up with advances in knowledge of bird identification are regarded as acceptable, or to establish the racial identification of accepted records. A number of species have proved problematic for the committee to assess, some extreme examples taking over twenty years from initial occurrence to acceptance. Seabirds have proved particularly difficult, and this has led some observers to criticise the committee for setting too high a standard. The committee has also received criticism for its approach to assessing records where only one observer was present, for not publishing reasons for record rejections, and for putting undue weight on detail when assessing bird descriptions.


[edit] BBRC's role and status

The "Rarity Records Committee" (as it was originally known) was established in 1959 by the editors of the journal British Birds.[1] Its original purpose was to provide a means whereby uniform assessment standards could be applied to all rare bird records across Britain,[1] rather than each record being assessed according to different standards by local bird recording organisations, as had happened prior to then.[2]

The most recent statement of the British Birds Rarities Committee's role is given in Bradshaw, Harvey and Steele (2004): "BBRC aims to maintain an accurate database of the occurrence of rare taxa in Britain, in order to enable individuals or organisations to assess the current status of, and any changes in, the patterns of occurrence and distribution of these taxa in Britain."

Contradictory information has been published regarding the exact nature of the committee's status. On its website,[3] BBRC describes itself as the "official adjudicator of rare bird records in Britain" (although it does not say on what basis it has this status). In "Birders: Tales of a Tribe",[4] author Mark Cocker describes the committee as a "statutory vetting body" (i.e. that it has been established by an Act of Parliament). BBRC's constitution states that it "has no automatic or legal expectation that birders submit records".[5]

BBRC is sponsored by the German optical equipment manufacturers Carl Zeiss, an arrangement instigated in 1983.[6]

The committee does not assess records of birds from Ireland; that task is carried out by the Irish Rare Birds Committee, which publishes its decisions in Irish Birds. For many years, records of IRBC-assessed rarities were included in the BBRC's annual reports, but this ceased in 2002, at the request of IRBC.[7]

[edit] Species covered

Black-and-white Warbler, a species on the BBRC's list
Black-and-white Warbler, a species on the BBRC's list

Around 250 bird species in Britain have either a breeding or wintering population or migrate through in large numbers, and a further 50 are "scarce migrants"; the remaining 250 species are those which the BBRC assesses.[8] A list of the species which the committee assesses (known as "BB rarities"[9]) is on its website,[10] although this has not been updated to take into account the most recent changes. Apart from one species, Parrot Crossbill, the committee considers only records of species which are rare enough to meet its criteria for inclusion on the BBRC rarities list, based on a numerical threshold (Parrot Crossbill has a breeding population in Scotland,[11] but is also on the committee's list).

This threshold was revised in 2006: in order to qualify for inclusion, a species either has to have been recorded fewer than 200 times in Britain ever, or it has to have been recorded on 100 or fewer occasions in the last decade.[12] As a result of this decision, a total of 17 species were dropped from the list which the committee considers: Ferruginous Duck, Wilson’s Petrel, Great White Egret, Black Kite, Red-footed Falcon, American Golden Plover, White-rumped Sandpiper, White-winged Black Tern, Alpine Swift, Red-rumped Swallow, Red-throated Pipit, Subalpine Warbler, Greenish Warbler, Dusky Warbler, Radde's Warbler, Arctic Redpoll and Rustic Bunting.[12]

Green-winged Teal, a species formerly considered by BBRC, but now occurring too regularly to meet its rarity criteria
Green-winged Teal, a species formerly considered by BBRC, but now occurring too regularly to meet its rarity criteria

Prior to this, a higher threshold had been in place,[13] but a number of species/subspecies, over the years, had increased in frequency and had therefore been removed from the committee's list: Black Brant (in 2005);[14] American Wigeon, Black-crowned Night Heron and Rose-coloured Starling (in 2001);[15] White-tailed Eagle and Kumlien's Gull (in 1998);[16] Ring-necked Duck, Short-toed Lark and Little Bunting (in 1993);[17] Green-winged Teal (in 1992);[18] Surf Scoter, Little Egret, European Bee-eater, Pallas's Warbler and Woodchat Shrike (in 1990);[19] Common Crane and Ring-billed Gull (in 1987);[20] Cory's Shearwater, Purple Heron, White Stork, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Richard's Pipit, Tawny Pipit, Savi's Warbler, Aquatic Warbler, Serin and Common Rosefinch (in 1982);[21] Long-tailed Skua (in 1979);[22] Cetti's Warbler (in 1976);[23] and Red-crested Pochard, Snow Goose, Pectoral Sandpiper, Mediterranean Gull, Sabine's Gull, Melodious Warbler, Icterine Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Goshawk, Golden Eagle, Red Kite, Kentish Plover, Crested Tit, Bearded Tit, Marsh Warbler and Dartford Warbler in 1963.[24] Records of the last eight species had been considered only outside their "normal" British range (e.g. Crested Tits outside Scotland, and Red Kites outside Wales).[1] Note that Savi's Warbler was re-admitted to the committee's list in 1998, due to declining numbers of occurrences.[16]

Once removed, a species is classed as a "scarce migrant": British Birds publishes a separate annual report summarising the occurrence of these species.[25] Data for these species is also presented at Cetti's Warbler, Little Egret, Long-tailed Skua and Mediterranean Gull have become so common that they no longer qualify even as a scarce migrants.[26]

[edit] BBRC structure and personnel

Thr committee has ten voting members,[27] a chairman (who may be one of the ten, or may be another, non-voting individual) and a non-voting secretary.[5] BBRC was assisted in its assessment of seabird records by a Seabirds Advisory Panel from 1987 to 1996.[28] In 1999, the BBRC set up the "RIACT" (Racial Identification Amongst Changing Taxonomy) group to advise on how records of rare subspecies should be treated.[29] RIACT published its first report in 2006, setting out the subspecies which it believed were sufficiently diagnosable and which occurred infrequently enough to justify being assessed by the rarities committee. Prior to this, a partial selection of rare subspecies had been routinely included in BBRC reports; the RIACT report aimed to bring consistency to the selection for future years.[30] Where a record is of a species which has not previously been recorded in Britain before in a wild state, BBRC deals with assessment of the bird's identification, and then passes the record to the British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee, which decides whether the species should be included on the BOU's British Bird list.[5]

The committee has two permanent posts, a Chairman and a Secretary: they are appointed by the board of British Birds.[13] Prior to 2008, there had been no fixed term for these appointments,[13] however, with the change of chairman in that year, a three-year fixed term, with a maximum limit of ten years, was introduced.[31] BBRC has had six chairmen:[32] Philip Hollom (1959 - 1972), Ian Wallace (1972 - 1976), Peter J. Grant (1976 - 1986), Peter Lansdown (1986 - 1993), Rob Hume (1993 - 1997) and Colin Bradshaw (1997 to date). Bradshaw's intention to retire was announced in 2007;[33] his successor, from April 2008, will be Adam Rowlands.[34] The committee's secretary is Nigel Hudson, appointed in 2007.[35] Its previous secretaries were G. A. Pyman (1959 - 1961), Christopher M. Swaine (1961 - 1963), Denzil D. Harber (1963 - 1966), F. R. Smith (1966 - 1975), J. N. Dymond (1975 - 1977), J. O'Sullivan (1977 - 1978) and Mike Rogers (1978 - 2006).[32]

At least one (usually the longest-serving) record-assessing member retires every year, in order to balance experience with 'new blood'.[36] The committee usually nominates its own replacement candidate, but also invites nominations from others, and if any are received, holds an election among county bird recorders and the bird observatory network.[5] A set of criteria for membership has been developed - currently, these are "a widely acknowledged expertise in identification, proven reliability in the field, a track record of high quality submissions of descriptions of scarce and rare birds to county records committees and BBRC, considerable experience of record assessment, the capacity to handle the considerable volume of work involved in assessing upwards of 1,000 records per year and the capacity to work quickly and efficiently".[5] The following 66 individuals[37] have served on BBRC in a records assessment capacity (a number of other individuals have served as the committee's statisticians, museum consultants, archivists and avicultural consultants, or on the Seabirds Advisory Panel or RIACT.[32]):

  • Horace Alexander (1959 - 1963)
  • Chris Batty (2007 to date)
  • D. Graham Bell (1962 - 1976)
  • A. R. M. Blake (1963 - 1976)
  • Chris G. Bradshaw (2006 to date)
  • Colin Bradshaw (1990 - 1997)
  • Phil Bristow (2003 to date)
  • Dave Britton (1980 - 1990)
  • Alan Brown (1987 - 1995)
  • Graham P. Catley (1990 - 1995)
  • Peter Clement (1990 - 1997)
  • Peter Davis (1963 - 1975)
  • Alan Dean (1984 - 1992)
  • Lance Degnan (2004 to date)
  • Roy Dennis (1967 - 1987)
  • J. Nick Dymond (1975 - 1977)
  • Pete Ellis (1991 - 1999)
  • James Ferguson-Lees (1959 - 1963)
  • Steve Gantlett (1987 - 1994)
  • Martin Garner (2006 to date)
  • Peter J. Grant (1969 - 1986)
  • Denzil Dean Harber ( (1959 - 1966)
  • Paul Harvey (1997 - 2007)
  • A. Hazelwood (1959 - 1961)
  • Chris Heard (1989 - 1996)
  • Philip Hollom (1959 - 1972)
  • Dave Holman (1976 - 1985)
  • Rob Hume (1988 - 1997
  • Tim Inskipp (1979 - 1989)
  • Ron Johns (1972 - 1979)
  • Peter Lansdown (1983 - 1990)
  • James Lidster (2005 to date)
  • Brian Little (1976 - 1982)
  • Steve Madge (1977 - 1988)
  • John H. Marchant (1986 - 1993)
  • John Martin (1997 - 2007)
  • John Mather (1976 - 1984)
  • John McLoughlin (1996 - 2006)
  • Howard Medhurst (1959)
  • M. F. M. Meiklejohn (1959 - 1969)
  • I. C. T. Nisbet (1959 - 1963)
  • Doug Page (1995 - 2005)
  • Mike Pennington (2007 to date)
  • Richard Porter (1981 - 1984)
  • G. A. Pyman (1959 - 1970)
  • R. J. Raines (1975 - 1981)
  • Richard A. Richardson (1969 - 1976)
  • Iain S. Robertson (1984 - 1990)
  • Adam Rowlands (1999 to date)
  • R. F. Ruttledge (1959 - 1960)
  • Tim Sharrock (1969 - 1983)
  • Ken D. Shaw (1994 - 2002)
  • Brian J. Small (2001 to date)
  • F. R. Smith (1966 - 1975)
  • K. D. Smith (1960 - 1961)
  • Jimmy G. Steele (1997 - 2006)
  • Andy M. Stoddart (1993 - 2001)
  • Christopher M. Swaine (1961 - 1963)
  • John J. Sweeney (2002 to date)
  • Reg I. Thorpe (1995 - 2004)
  • Keith E. Vinicombe (1982 - 1991)
  • R. Wagstaffe (1962 - 1970)
  • Grahame Walbridge (1992 - 2003)
  • Ian Wallace (1963 - 1968, 1971 - 1975)
  • G. A. Williams (1975 - 1980)
  • Kenneth Williamson (1959 - 1963)

The committee has stated that it has a desire to be made up of members of "all age ranges and both sexes";[38] however, all BBRC members to date have been male.[39] Measures are in place, however, to ensure that the committee has a geographic balance amongst its membership - BBRC's constitution states that it "should attempt to provide a reasonable geographical spread with members having a detailed knowledge of each of the following areas: Wales, Scotland, Northern England, the Midlands, the Southwest and the Southeast of England".[5]

[edit] Record reviews

White's Thrush, another species on the BRRC list
White's Thrush, another species on the BRRC list

BBRC reviews 1200 to 1500 records each year (when it was first set up, the figure was around 200 per year).[39] Of these, approximately 85% are accepted: this acceptance rate has remained steady for many years.[40] Species which have caused particular problems include Black Kite, Great Snipe, Gyrfalcon, Gull-billed Tern and North Atlantic Little Shearwater.[41] Peter Grant estimated that, during his tenure as chairman, the approximately 2% of accepted records are incorrectly accepted, and 5% are incorrectly rejected.[39]

[edit] Re-reviews

Greenish Warbler, a species with a history of misidentification
Greenish Warbler, a species with a history of misidentification

From time to time, BBRC has re-reviewed records which it has previously accepted, to ensure they are acceptable in the light of improved knowledge of the species in question.[42] These reviews are carried out on a species-by-species basis. Old World warblers have proved particularly in need of re-review. A review of Greenish Warbler records was initiated in 1983.[43] The purpose of this review was to re-examine establish whether records, particular those in late autumn and winter, of drab grey Phylloscopus warblers which had previously been accepted as Greenish Warbler, were in fact this species, or were Common Chiffchaffs of the Siberian race tristis. 48 records between 1958 and 1970 were examined; of these, 20 were rejected.[44] A review of Arctic Warbler records was begun in 1991,[45] with the aim of determining whether any Greenish Warblers had been mistakenly accepted as Arctics.[46] The review was completed in 1994,[46] although as of 2007, the results had not been published.

A review of Spectacled Warbler records was initiated in 1984.[47] This review resulted in the species being removed from the British list; of the three accepted records, one, at Spurn, Yorkshire in 1968, was re-identified as a first-year female Subalpine Warbler, while descriptions of the other two, at Porthgwarra, Cornwall in October 1969 and on Fair Isle in June 1979, were not considered sufficiently watertight to permit their continued acceptance.[48] Spectacled Warbler has since been re-added to the British list following an individual at Filey, Yorkshire in 1992,[49] and there have been further subsequent records.[50] In the late 1990s, BBRC reviewed some of the accepted records of Moustached Warbler, and concluded that one, from Sussex in 1979, was unacceptable,[51] but that one other, from Buckinghamshire in 1965, should stand.[52] Two further records, from Hampshire in 1951 and Kent in 1952, were reviewed as part of the 1950-1957 review, and found to be unacceptable.[53] Following these rejections, the Buckinghamshire record, and the remaining record, a breeding pair in Cambridgeshire in 1946, previously accepted as Britain's first, were scrutinised by the BOURC and found to be unacceptable, leading to the removal of Moustached Warbler from the British list; it has not re-occurred.[54]

A review of Olivaceous Warbler records commenced in 1986,[55] and continued through the 1990s. The results of this review were published in 1999: six of the previously accepted records were rejected as not meeting modern identification standards.[56] In 2003, following the split of Olivaceous Warbler into two species, the accepted records were all reviewed again to ascertain which of the two they were - all nine proved to be Eastern Olivaceous Warblers.[57] Following the split of Bonelli's Warbler into two species, the committee reviewed all the 121 accepted records, and concluded that 51 were Western and two were Eastern; for the remainder, not enough evidence was available to make a firm decision.[58] The committee had previously stated that it would regard as Western Bonelli's Warbler all except proven Eastern Bonelli's Warblers,[59] however, this announcement rescinded that decision. In 2003 - 4, all Desert Warbler records were reviewed, and it was concluded that all were referable to the newly split Asian Desert Warbler, rather than African Desert Warbler.[60]

American Golden Plover, one member of a closely-related and difficult-to-identify species pair
American Golden Plover, one member of a closely-related and difficult-to-identify species pair

A review of American and Pacific Golden Plover records was begun in 1991,[61] with the purpose of evaluating whether any individuals previously accepted as "either American or Pacific" could now be definitely assigned to one species or the other (and vice versa). The results (a small decrease in the number of accepted American Golden Plovers, and a small increase in the number of accepted Pacifics) were published in the committee's report for 1996,[62] with a comment that a detailed paper on the subject was being prepared, although as of 2007, this has not been published. A review of Isabelline Shrike records commenced in 1986.[63] This review, the results of which were published in 1989,[64] established a racial identification for a number of adult Isabelline Shrikes previously accepted to species level. A further review, with the same aim, was begun in the late 1990s. A preliminary set of results of this review was published in 2003;[65] four previously accepted individuals were rejected, including one, in Cambridgeshire in 1978, which is now thought have been a hybrid with Red-backed Shrike. The full results of this second review were published in 2007;[66] some of the previous racial attributions were withdrawn, but the committee felt able to confidently assign a race for a number of more recent individuals, although it stressed that this could only be done with adult birds (the committee's 2005 report mentions that a further article is in preparation). A review of Black-eared Wheatears was conducted in 2002 - 4, with the aim of assigning individuals to the eastern and western races where possible; this was possible with nine records; both western hispanica and eastern melanoleuca were shown to have occurred.[67]

A review of Semipalmated Sandpiper records took place in the 1970s, resulting in seven of the twelve records being rejected.[68] A review of Black-headed Wagtail records was initiated in 1983.[69] The results were published in 1994 and 1995, and nine previously accepted records were judged to be unsound, due to possible confusion with Grey-headed Wagtail.[70] A review of Rufous Turtle Dove records took place in 1994, and concluded that three of the eight accepted records should no longer stand.[71] A review of Lesser Kestrel records, begun in 1994,[72] and completed in 1995, concluded that six accepted records of this species should no longer be regarded as acceptable. Five or the six were from autumn, whereas the overwhelming majority of records which the committee decided should continue to remain acceptable are from the spring/summer period.[73] All 24 spring records of Siberian Stonechat were reconsidered in 2002 - 4, in the light of new information on the variability in appearance of European Stonechats in spring; the committee decided that all but five should remain accepted.[74] In 2003, the committee revised its assessment criteria for male Pine Buntings, allowing some birds which would previously have been regarded as hybrids to be regarded as acceptable, but requiring an overall greater level of precision in descriptions, and reviewed past records in the light of these changes.[75]

As of 2007, the following reviews are underway: a review of past records of Macaronesian Shearwaters,[76] a review of all Royal Tern records,[77] a review of Great White Egrets to establish if any are of the Nearctic race,[78] a review of sandplovers,[78] a review of records of the eastern race of Redstart,[78] a review of Orphean Warbler records aimed at determining the race of each,[78] and a review of Subalpine Warblers to determine which individuals are ascribable to the race albistriata.[79] A review of Redhead records is planned.[80] It has also been suggested that reviews should be conducted of records of Great Snipe, as older records show a very different temporal occurrence pattern than more recent birds,[81] the large numbers of Gull-billed Tern records from the English south coast from the 1960s,[82] and Desert Wheatears, to establish racial identifications.[83]

[edit] Problematic records

Least Tern, a species which has occurred just once in Britain
Least Tern, a species which has occurred just once in Britain

Most records received by the committee are processed within a year and published in its annual report in British Birds magazine, usually in the November issue.[5] Some records prove problematic, and for some species, it has taken the committee many years to come to a decision. This has particularly been the case where the species or subspecies in question was new to Britain - examples include Northern Harrier (Britain's first, in Scilly in 1982, accepted in 2007),[84] Long-toed Stint (Britain's first, in Cornwall in 1970, accepted in 1994),[85] Least Tern (Britain's first, and to date only record, accepted in 2005, after first occurring in 1983),[86] Black Lark (Britain's first, from Spurn, Yorkshire in 1984, accepted in 2004 after a second set of notes came to light),[87] Sykes's Warbler (the first three records, from 1959, 1977, and 1993, accepted in 2003),[88] Iberian Chiffchaff (the first two records, from 1972 and 1992, accepted in 2000),[89] and Hume's Leaf Warbler (the first 27 records, the earliest from 1966, accepted in 1998).[90]

The first three field records of Blyth's Pipit, including an atypical pale individual on the Isles of Scilly,[91] proved difficult, but following the occurrence of trapped individuals, on Fair Isle in 1993 and Suffolk in 1994, these were accepted.[92] Some records of Citrine Wagtail[93] and Short-toed Treecreeper[94] were accepted only after prolonged consideration. Prior to the publication in 1984 of Jonsson and Grant's stint identification paper,[95] a number of stints (Calidris) proved difficult to assess; a paper covering four such cases was published in 1986.[96] It included accounts of a bird on Fair Isle, originally thought to be Britain's first Red-necked Stint, but which was in fact a Sanderling, and a bird in Suffolk, The "Felixstowe Stint", which most observers at the time believed to be a Western Sandpiper, but which was in fact a Semipalmated Sandpiper. A previous paper[68] details four early claims of Red-necked Stint, none of which proved acceptable.

As of 2007, records of Wilson's Snipe (from 1985 and 1998),[97][78] Elegant Terns (from 2002),[78] a number of eastern Whitethroats and Lesser Whitethroats,[78] and several apparent North African Chaffinches,[78] are still under consideration. The occurrence in Britain of southern (i.e. South Polar / Brown) skuas is also unresolved. A series of reports of South Polar Skua, from 1982 to 1993, were all eventually rejected after being assessed for several years.[98] Three other birds (from Dorset in 1996, Scilly in 2001, and Glamorgan in 2002)[99] await a decision.

BBRC has had particular problems with some other rare seabirds. The "Chalice Petrel", a dark-rumped storm-petrel seen and photographed in the Southwest Approaches in 1988, and believed by its observers to be a Matsudaira's Storm-petrel was eventually rejected as other similar species could not be ruled out.[100] A petrel seen from Dungeness, Kent and believed by its observers to be Britain's first Herald Petrel was rejected, although the committee noted that the bird was clearly "an amazing seabird".[101] This decision sparked a number of letters to British Birds questioning whether the committee's stance is too strict.[102] Fea's Petrel is now officially accepted as having occurred, but for many years, the identification of these birds was accepted only as Fea's/Zino's/Soft-plumaged Petrel, followed by a period where they were referred to Fea's or Zino's; however, following BOURC acceptance of two birds in Scilly waters as Fea's Petrels, BBRC published a paper in which argued that all birds are likely to have been Fea's.[103]

Occasionally, decisions have been delayed due to non-ornithological factors, perhaps most notably with the loss by the Royal Mail of a file on Britain's first Lesser Short-toed Lark.[104]

[edit] The Druridge Bay curlew

The BBRC conducted a detailed review into the controversial identification of a curlew seen at Druridge Bay in Northumberland in 1998, coming to the conclusion that it was, as had been believed by many observers, a first-summer Slender-billed Curlew. This identification was accepted by the British Ornithologists Union's Records Committee, leading to the addition of this species to the British List.[105]

[edit] Review of 1950-1957 records, and the Tiree Ascension Frigatebird

A BBRC subcommittee was set up in 1997 to undertake a review of rare bird records from the years immediately prior to the committee's establishment. The rationale for this is to ensure that all records from 1950 onwards (the cut-off date for Category A of the BOU British List of birds) have been subjected to a similar level of scrutiny. The most notable outcome of this review was the reidentification of a frigatebird record from Tiree in 1953. Previously identified as a Magnificent Frigatebird, the BBRC review concluded that the bird was in fact an Ascension Frigatebird, the only individual of this species ever identified in Europe (Walbridge, Small & McGowan 2003).[106] The full results of the review were published in 2006.[53] Of the total of 126 records which were reviewed, 37 were rejected as no longer acceptable. These included a claimed White-tailed Eagle which broke into a chicken-run in a garden and stole a chicken, three Little Crakes, three European Scops Owls, the only late December record of Tawny Pipit, three Black-eared Wheatears, a record of two White's Thrushes together in April, a spring Lanceolated Warbler, two Moustached Warblers (see below) and a Pine Grosbeak. Also, issues were identified with the identification of Britain's first Western Sandpiper, on Fair Isle in 1956,[107] and these led the BOURC to reject this record;[108] Western Sandpiper has been recorded several times subsequently in Britain however, and remains on the national list.[108]

[edit] Criticism

The committee has been criticised on a number of grounds, including the level of detail it requires in record submissions, its approach to the assessment of single-observer records and its level of openness.

In 1996, Alan Vittery raised the question of whether the level of detail required by the committee for a description to be acceptable was too high.[109] Similar points were made by Keith Vinicombe and Mike Pennington in 2001. In the light of the rejection of a record of Blyth's Reed Warbler on Shetland in 1997, Vinicombe and Pennington wrote to British Birds to question the decision. They suggested that the committee was becoming too focussed on minutiae in assessing bird descriptions, ignoring more obvious evidence, Vinicombe saying that "the Committee has prevaricated to the point where it 'cannot see the wood for the trees'".[110] David Walker and Owen Leyshon, David Ferguson, and Andrew Duff[102] have criticised the committee on similar grounds in relation to its approach to the assessment of rare seabirds, citing the Dungeness Herald Petrel claim as an example. Vittery, and Moss Taylor[111] both expressed concern that BBRC was adopting too strict an approach for records of birds seen only by their finder.

In 1998, BBRC explained its approach to the assessment of single-observer records. The committee explained that while it understood that geographical and social circumstances make it likely that some people are more likely to find rare birds on their own, it is "very cautious about observers with a high proportion of single-observer records" and that its policy is to watch patterns closely and reviewing those observers' past records on a regular basis.[112] This approach has attracted criticism. Former BBRC chairman Ian Wallace and others have written about the subject in Birdwatch magazine. Wallace believes that the committee has a blacklist of observers, from whom it will automatically reject records, unless there are other observers able to corroborate the sighting; he mentions two specific observers, both of whom live in remote parts of northern Scotland.[113] Ken Shaw, a former BBRC member, has claimed that BBRC would not accept a single-observer record of a species new to Britain without photographic evidence, regardless of the track record of the observer.[114] Graham Bell, another former member, writing in response to Shaw's article, has accused the committee of adopted unfounded suspicions, arguing that just because a competent observer moves to an underwatched part of the country, their abilities do not change.[115] One of the observers who Wallace claimed was blacklisted, Alan Vittery, also contributed to the debate, stating that he had been informed by the BBRC that they would not consider any single-observer record he submitted, unless supported by a photograph. Vittery contrasted the BBRC's attitude with that of other national rarities committees, and arguing that the result of the approach is to distort rarity statistics.[116] Vittery invited the BBRC to reply in public, but this request was declined.[113]

Alan Vittery[109] and Sara McMahon[117] have both argued that the committee should inform observers whose records are rejected of the committee's reasons for doing so. This view also has the support of the editor of Birdwatch, Dominic Mitchell, who has made this the topic of editorials on a number of occasions.[118]

BBRC has from time to time published material illustrating its assessment process in an attempt to explain to a wider audience how its decisions are arrived at. Much of these has appeared in a series called "From the Rarities Committees files" in British Birds magazine.[119] Another short series was published in Birdwatch magazine: entitled "You: The Jury", it featured six fictitious rarity accounts, with, in the subsequent issue, accounts from two rarities committee members stating how they would vote.[120]

[edit] Footnotes and references

  1. ^ a b c Anon (1959) Editorial: Records of Rare Birds British Birds 52(8): 241-4
  2. ^ Dean (2007), page 150
  3. ^ BBRC website (retrieved 19 Sept 2007)
  4. ^ Cocker (2001), page 134
  5. ^ a b c d e f g BBRC constitution (accessed 26 October 2007)
  6. ^ Lansdown (1987), page 487
  7. ^ BBRC report for 2001, pages 476-8
  8. ^ Preddy, Steve (2007) Rarities in Britain Birding 38(4):10-12
  9. ^ Cocker (2001), page 158
  10. ^ BBRC website, Current rare species
  11. ^ Summers, R.W. (2002) Parrot Crossbills breeding in Abernethy Forest British Birds 95: 4-11
  12. ^ a b Announcement: BBRC says goodbye to birders' favourites British Birds 99(1):52; BBRC press release, 12 January 2006
  13. ^ a b c Lansdown (1987), page 488
  14. ^ Rarities Committee news: BBRC dumps Black Brant British Birds 98(6): 336; BBRC press release, 7 June 2005
  15. ^ Rarities Committee news: Night Heron, American Wigeon and Rosy Starling to be removed from BBRC list British Birds 94(6): 290; BBRC press release, 30 July 2001
  16. ^ a b Bradshaw, Colin (1999) Rarities Committee Announcements British Birds 92(2): 113-4; BBRC press release, 12 October 1998 (1); BBRC press release, 12 October 1998 (2)
  17. ^ Lansdown, P. G. and the Rarities Committee (1993) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 86(9): 415-6
  18. ^ Lansdown, P. G. and the Rarities Committee (1992) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 85(7): 330-3
  19. ^ Lansdown, P. G. and the Rarities Committee (1990) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 83(10): 411-4
  20. ^ Lansdown, P. G. and the Rarities Committee (1987) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 80(9): 421-36
  21. ^ Grant, P. J. and the Rarities Committee (1982) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 75(7): 337-8
  22. ^ Grant, P. J. and the Rarities Committee (1979) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 72(10): 487-8
  23. ^ Grant, Peter J. and the Rarities Committee (1977) Rarities Committee news and announcements British Birds 70(7): 306-8
  24. ^ BBRC report for 1962, p.394
  25. ^ The most recent report, for 2003, was published in two parts in 2006: Fraser, Peter A. & Michael J. Rogers (2006) Report on scarce migrant birds in Britain in 2003 - Part 1: American Wigeon to Wryneck British Birds 99 (2): 74 - 91; Fraser, Peter A. & Michael J. Rogers (2006) Report on scarce migrant birds in Britain in 2003 - Part 2: Short-toed Lark to Little Bunting British Birds 99(3): 129 - 147
  26. ^ Fraser, Peter A., Peter G. Lansdown & Michael J. Rogers (1999) Report on Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain in 1996 British Birds 92(1): 3-35; Fraser, Peter A., Peter G. Lansdown & Michael J. Rogers (1999) Report on Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain in 1997 British Birds 92(12): 618-658
  27. ^ The "ten rare men", Cocker (2001), page 158
  28. ^ Dean (2007), page 154 and Appendix 1, pages 174-5
  29. ^ BBRC report for 1998, pages 555-556
  30. ^ Kehoe, Chris, on behalf of BBRC (2006) Racial identification and assessment in Britain: a report from the RIACT subcommittee British Birds 99(12): 619-645
  31. ^ New chairman for BBRC, BBRC Press Release, 4 May 2007
  32. ^ a b c Dean (2007), Appendix 1, pages 174-5
  33. ^ Rarities Committee news: New chairman for BBRC British Birds 100(5): 315; BBRC press release, 4 May 2007
  34. ^ Rarities Committee news: BBRC appoints a new chairman British Birds 100(8):513; BBRC press release, 23 July 2007
  35. ^ Rarities Committee news: BBRC appoints new secretary British Birds 100(4):254; BBRC press release, 19 March 2007
  36. ^ Lansdown (1993), page 420
  37. ^ Dean (2007), Appendix 1, pages 174-5 contains a list of members to the end of 2006, with dates of service; for members retiring/joining since then, see Rarities Committee news British Birds 100(3): 176 and BBRC press release, 1 February 2007
  38. ^ BBRC report for 1999, page 513
  39. ^ a b c Cocker (2001), page 158.
  40. ^ Lansdown (1987), page 489; BBRC report for 2004, page 628-31
  41. ^ Dean (2007), page 162
  42. ^ Lansdown (1987), page 490
  43. ^ BBRC report for 1982, pages 476 and 515
  44. ^ Dean, Alan R. (1985) British status and identification of Greenish Warbler British Birds 78(9): 437-451
  45. ^ BBRC report for 1990, page 450
  46. ^ a b BBRC report for 1993, page 504
  47. ^ BBRC report for 1983, page 506
  48. ^ Lansdown, Peter (1991) Status of Spectacled Warbler in Britain British Birds 84(10):431-432
  49. ^ Thomas, Craig C., Richard E. Harbird and Peter J. Dunn (1998) Spectacled Warbler in North Yorkshire: new to Britain and Ireland British Birds 91(6):225-230
  50. ^ Pitches, Adrian & Tim Cleeves (2005) Birds New to Britain 1980-2004 ISBN 0-7136-7022-3 page 190
  51. ^ BBRC report for 1998, page 595
  52. ^ Bradshaw, Colin (2000) From the rarities committee's files: The occurrence of Moustached Warbler in Britain British Birds 93(1):29-38
  53. ^ a b Wallace, D. I. M., Colin Bradshaw and M. J. Rogers (2006) A review of the 1950-57 British rarities. British Birds 99(9):460-464
  54. ^ Melling, Tim (2006) Time to get rid of the Moustache: a review of British records of Moustached Warbler British Birds 99(9):465-478
  55. ^ BBRC report for 1985, pages 527, 571-572
  56. ^ BBRC report for 1998, pages 595-6
  57. ^ BBRC report for 2002, page 594
  58. ^ Rogers, Michael J. (1998) Rarities Committee news & announcements British Birds 91(4): 121-123
  59. ^ BBRC report for 1996, page 503
  60. ^ BBRC report for 2003, pages 606-7
  61. ^ BBRC report for 1990, page 450
  62. ^ BBRC report for 1996, pages 469-471
  63. ^ BBRC report for 1985, page 527
  64. ^ BBRC report for 1998, page 553
  65. ^ BBRC report for 2002, pages 600-1
  66. ^ BBRC report for 2005, pages 92-4
  67. ^ BBRC report for 2002, pages 589-90; BBRC report for 2003, pages 598-9
  68. ^ a b Wallace, D. I. M. on behalf of the Rarities Committee(1979) Review of British records of Semipalmated Sandpipers and claimed Red-necked Stints British Birds 72(6):264-274
  69. ^ BBRC report for 1982, pages 476-477
  70. ^ BBRC report for 1993, page 543; BBRC report for 1994, page 530
  71. ^ BBRC report for 1993, page 536
  72. ^ BBRC report for 1993, pages 503-5
  73. ^ BBRC report for 1994, pages 505-6
  74. ^ BBRC report for 2002, pages 588-589; BBRC report for 2003, pages 596-7; BBRC report for 2004, page 672
  75. ^ BBRC report for 2003, pages 620-621
  76. ^ BBRC report for 2004, page 640
  77. ^ BBRC report for 2006, page 721
  78. ^ a b c d e f g h BBRC report for 2003, page 625
  79. ^ BBRC report for 2002, pages 595-6
  80. ^ BBRC requests images prior to a review of records of Redhead in Great Britain
  81. ^ BBRC report for 2005, page 41
  82. ^ Hume, R. A. (1995) Rarities Committee News and Announcements British Birds 88(8):378-80
  83. ^ BBRC report for 2003, pages 599-600
  84. ^ BBRC report for 2006, page 707
  85. ^ Round, Philip D. (1996) Long-toed Stint in Cornwall: the first record for the Western Palearctic British Birds 89(1): 12-24
  86. ^ BBRC report for 2004, pages 661-2
  87. ^ BBRC report for 2003, page 590
  88. ^ BBRC report for 2002, pages 594-5
  89. ^ BBRC report for 1999, page 560
  90. ^ BBRC report for 1997, pages 507-8
  91. ^ Evans, L. G. R. (1993) The Isles of Scilly Blyth's Pipit Birding World 6(10):398-400; Page, Doug (1997) From the Rarities Committee's files: Problems presented by a pale Blyth's Pipit British Birds 90(10):404-9
  92. ^ BBRC report for 1994, pages 528-9; BBRC report for 1995, page 512; BBRC report for 1996, page 493; BBRC report for 2002, pages 584-5
  93. ^ BBRC report for 1996, pages 494-5
  94. ^ BBRC report for 1992, page 523
  95. ^ Jonsson, Lars & Peter J. Grant (1984) Identification of stints and peeps British Birds 77(7):293-315
  96. ^ Grant, Peter J. (1986) Four problem stints British Birds 79(12): 609-621
  97. ^ Mitchell, Dominic, editorial comment in response to Mike Buckland (2007) Wilson's on the record Birdwatch 185:20-21
  98. ^ BBRC report for 1996, pages 453-5, 518-21; BBRC report for 1997, pages 515-7; BBRC report for 2003, pages 623-625
  99. ^ BBRC report for 2006, page 694-5
  100. ^ Hume, R. A., P. Harrison, H. W. Wallis, Keith Cutting, S. A. Young, Peter Charles, T. M. England, J. R. Ward (1997) From the Rarities Committee's files: 'The Chalice petrel' British Birds 90(8): 305-313
  101. ^ Bradshaw, Colin (2002) From the Rarities Committee's files: Rare seabirds and a record of Herald Petrel British Birds 95(4): 156-165
  102. ^ a b Walker, David and Owen Leyshon (2002) The Dungeness petrel - a response from the observers British Birds 95(9): 459-460; Ferguson, David (2002) The Dungeness petrel British Birds 95(9): 460; Duff, Andrew (2002) The Dungeness petrel British Birds 95(9): 460-1
  103. ^ Steele, Jimmy (2006) From the Rarities Committee's files: Do we know what British 'soft-plumaged petrels' are? British Birds 99(8): 404 - 419
  104. ^ Hume, Rob, Editorial comment following Dickie, I. R. and K. E. Vinicombe (1995) Lesser Short-toed Lark: new to Britain British Birds 88(12): 593-9
  105. ^ Steele, Jimmy and Didier Vangeluwe (2002) From the Rarities Committee's files: the Slender-billed Curlew at Druridge Bay, Northumberland, in 1998 British Birds 95(6):279-299
  106. ^ Walbridge, Grahame, Brian Small and Robert Y. McGowan (2003) "From the Rarities Committee's files: Ascension Frigatebird on Tiree - new to the Western Palearctic" British Birds 96:58-73
  107. ^ Garner, Martin (2005) The Fair Isle sandpiper British Birds 98: 356-364
  108. ^ a b British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (2007) British Ornithologists’ Union Records Committee: 35th Report Ibis 149 (3): 652-654
  109. ^ a b Vittery, Alan (1996) String theory Birdwatch 47: 13
  110. ^ Vinicombe, Keith (2001) The Unst Blyth's Reed Warbler British Birds 94(6): 291-3; Pennington, Mike (2001) The Unst Blyth's Reed Warbler British Birds 94(6): 293-4
  111. ^ Taylor, Moss (1996) Solo rarities Birdwatch 48:64
  112. ^ BBRC report for 1997, page 456
  113. ^ a b Wallace, Ian (2005) Questions that won't go away Birdwatch 153: 19-20
  114. ^ Shaw, Ken (2005) Singled out? Birdwatch 151: 18-21
  115. ^ Bell, Graham (2005) Negative attitudes Birdwatch 154: 14
  116. ^ Vittery, Alan (2005) A single mind Birdwatch 151: 22-3; Vittery, Alan (2005) Give lone birders a chance Birdwatch 157: 22-3
  117. ^ McMahon, Sarah (1996) Tell us why Birdwatch 49:64
  118. ^ Examples include the editorial in issue 116 (page 4).
  119. ^ The first article in this series "Isabelline Wheatear in Scilly" by Alan R. Dean was published in 1993: British Birds 86(1): 3-5
  120. ^ "You: The Jury" commenced in the April 1993 edition of Birdwatch (vol. 2, no. 4, page 39) and ran for six further issues (vol. 2, no. 5, pages 46-7; issue 12, page 27; issue 13, page 49; issue 14, page 43; issue 15, page 65 and issue 16, page 43).

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Principal works

[edit] BBRC annual reports

  • 1958: G. A. Pyman on behalf of the Rarity Records Committee (1960) Report on rare birds in Great Britain and Ireland in 1958 British Birds 53(4): 153-73
  • 1959: G. A. Pyman on behalf of the Rarity Records Committee (1960) Report on rare birds in Great Britain and Ireland in 1959 British Birds 53(10): 409-31
  • 1960: G. A. Pyman on behalf of the Rarity Records Committee (1961) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in i960 British Birds 54(5): 173-200
  • 1961: C. M. Swaine on behalf of the Rarities Committee (1962) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1961 British Birds 55(12): 562-84
  • 1962: D. D. Harber and C. M. Swaine on behalf of the Parities Committee (1963) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1962 British Birds 56(11): 393-409
  • 1963: D. D. Harber and the Rarities Committee (1964) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1963 British Birds 57(7): 261-81
  • 1964: D. D. Harber and the Rarities Committee (1965) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1964 British Birds 58(9): 353-72
  • 1965: D. D. Harber and the Rarities Committee (1966) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1965 British Birds 59(7): 280-305
  • 1966: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1967) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1966 British Birds 60(8): 309-38
  • 1967: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1968) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1967 British Birds 61(8): 329-65
  • 1968: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1969) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1968 British Birds 62(11): 457-92
  • 1969: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1970) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1969 British Birds 63(7): 267-93
  • 1970: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1971) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1970 British Birds 64(8): 339-71
  • 1971: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1972) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1971 British Birds 65(8): 322-54
  • 1972: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1973) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1972 British Birds 66(8): 331-60
  • 1973: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1974) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1973 British Birds 67(8): 310-48
  • 1974: F. R. Smith and the Rarities Committee (1975) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1974 British Birds 68(8): 306-38
  • 1975: J. N. Dymond and the Rarities Committee (1976) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1975 British Birds 69(9): 321-68
  • 1976: O'Sullivan, John and the Rarities Committee (1977) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1976 British Birds 70(10): 405-53
  • 1977: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1978) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1977 British Birds 71(11): 481-532
  • 1978: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1979) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1978 British Birds 72(11): 503-49
  • 1979: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1980) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1980. British Birds 73(11): 491-534
  • 1980: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1981) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1980. British Birds 74(11): 453-95
  • 1981: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1982) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1981. British Birds 75(11): 482-533
  • 1982: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1983) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1982 British Birds 76(11): 476-529
  • 1983: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1984) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1983. British Birds 77(11): 506-62
  • 1984: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1985) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1984. British Birds 78(11): 529-89
  • 1985: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1986) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1985. British Birds 79(11): 526-88
  • 1986: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1987) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1986. British Birds 80(11): 516-71
  • 1987: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1988) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1987. British Birds 81(11): 535-96
  • 1988: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1989) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1988. British Birds 82(11): 505-63
  • 1989: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1990) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1989 British Birds 83(11): 439-96
  • 1990: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1991) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1990 British Birds 84(11): 449-505
  • 1991: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1992) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1991 British Birds 85(10): 507-54
  • 1992: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1993) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1992 British Birds 86(10): 447-540
  • 1993: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1994) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1993 British Birds 87(11): 503-71
  • 1994: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1995) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1994 British Birds 88(11): 493-558
  • 1995: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1996) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1995 British Birds 89(11): 481-531
  • 1996: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1997) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1996 British Birds 90(11): 453-522
  • 1997: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1998) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1997 British Birds 91(11): 455-517
  • 1998: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (1999) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1998 British Birds 92(11): 554-609
  • 1999: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2000) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 1999 British Birds 93(11): 512-67
  • 2000: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2001) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2000 British Birds 94(10): 452-504
  • 2001: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2002) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2001 British Birds 95(10): 476-528
  • 2002: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2003) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2002 British Birds 96(11): 542-609
  • 2003: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2004) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2003 British Birds 97(11): 558-625
  • 2004: Rogers, Michael J. and the Rarities Committee (2005) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2004 British Birds 98(12): 628-94
  • 2005: Fraser, P. A., Michael J. Rogers and the Rarities Committee (2007) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2005 part 1: non-passerines British Birds 100(1): 16-61 and part 2: passerines British Birds 100(2): 72-104
  • 2006: Fraser, P. A. and the Rarities Committee (2006) Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2006. British Birds 100(12): 694-754

[edit] External links