Brillouin and Langevin functions

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[edit] Brillouin Function

The Brillouin function is a special function that arises in the calculation of the magnetization of an ideal paramagnet. This function describes the dependency of the magnetization M on the applied magnetic field H and the total angular momentum quantum number J of the microscopic magnetic moments of the material. The magnetization is given by:

M = N g \mu_B J \cdot B_J(x)

where N is the Avogadro number, g the Landé g-factor, and μB the Bohr magneton.

BJ is the Brillouin function[1] which varies from -1 to 1:

B_J(x) = \frac{2J + 1}{2J} \coth \left ( \frac{2J + 1}{2J} x \right )
                - \frac{1}{2J} \coth \left ( \frac{1}{2J} x \right )

where x is the ratio of the Zeeman energy of the magnetic moment in the external field to the thermal energy kBT:

x = \frac{g \mu_B J B}{k_B T}

where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature.

[edit] Langevin Function

Langevin function (red line), compared with tanh(x / 3) (blue line).
Langevin function (red line), compared with tanh(x / 3) (blue line).

In the classical limit, the moments can be continuously aligned in the field and J can assume all values (J \to \infty). The Brillouin function is then simplified into the Langevin function, named after Paul Langevin:

L(x) = \coth(x) - \frac{1}{x}

[edit] High Temperature Limit

When x < < 1 i.e. when μBB / kBT is small, the expression of the magnetization can be approximated by the Curie's law:

M = C \cdot \frac{H}{T}

where C = \frac{N g^2 J(J+1) \mu_B^2}{3k_B} is a constant. One can note that g\sqrt{J(J+1)} is the effective number of Bohr magnetons.

[edit] High Field Limit

When x\to\infty, the Brillouin function goes to 1. The magnetization saturates with the magnetic moments completely aligned with the applied field:

M = NgμBJ

[edit] References

  1. ^ Darby, M.I., “Tables of the Brillouin function and of the related function for the spontaneous magnetization”, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 18: 1415-1417 