Brik (disambiguation)

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Brik is a Jewish surname usually from the Yiddish word {[lang-yi|בריק}} brik - bridge. In many cases the family origine is the Hebrew acronym (notaricon) - Ben Rabbi Yakov-Kop(p)el. In case of Osip Brik and his wife Lilya Brik surname the surname came from acronym Ben Rabbi Yehuda Kagan.

  • Lilya Brik, Russian Jewish actress (sometimes misspelled Birk)
  • Osip Brik (sometimes misspelled Birk)

The Polish surname Bryk from the old Latin first name Brictius, which was used more often in Poland centuries ago in forms such as Brykcy and Brykcjusz; or from the verb root brykac~, "to frisk, gambol."

[edit] See also

  • Brik, a Tunisian burek