Brian Aker

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Brian Aker
Brian Aker

Brian Aker, born August 4, 1972 in Lexington, Kentucky, USA is an open-source hacker who has worked on various Apache modules, the Slash system, and numerous storage engines for the MySQL database. Aker is now the Director of Architecture at MySQL AB.

After graduating with triple majors in environmental science, computing and mathematics, from Antioch College, Aker contributed to his first open source project, the 386BSD operating system. He then moved to work on Slashdot, where his initial task was to rewrite the database back-end to use Oracle. However, he extended the system to ensure it allowed multiple database back-ends, and became a published author along the way, writing Running Weblogs with Slash (ISBN 978-0596001001) with chromatic and Dave Krieger. From 2001 to 2007 he posted stories on Slashdot under the Author name of "Krow".

Aker has been known to offer a Perl Certification Course at the University of Washington. He has also worked on the Virtual Hospital project, providing the Internet's first medical website, while at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics.

While not travelling, and presenting at about six open source related conferences a year, he resides in Seattle, Washington. Some of the conferences Aker has presented at, are OSCON, Linuxfest Northwest, and the MySQL Users Conference & Expo.

For fun, Aker also hacks his home telephone system, to be powered by the Asterisk (PBX)[1].

A list of MySQL storage engines Brian Aker has created:

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