Brendan O’Neill

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Brendan O'Neill is a journalist based in London. Currently, he is the editor of Spiked Online.

He began his career in journalism at Spiked's predecessor, the journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party, LM magazine, until it was forced to close following a libel action brought by ITN. [1]

He has contributed articles to publications in the United Kingdom and the United States including the Spectator, the New Statesman, the The Guardian, the BBC News, the Christian Science Monitor, The American Conservative and[2] He also blogs at Comment is free, where his pieces, like all commissioned pieces, are under editorial oversight of editors working on the site for Guardian Unlimited, as well as at O'Neill has criticised the notion of taking action to reduce carbon emissions in order to tackle global warming, and instead advocates technological progress as a method of overcoming any potential side-effects of climate change.[3].

In January 2006, O'Neill co-founded the Manifesto Club, an organisation "with the aim of challenging cultural trends that restrain and stifle people’s aspirations and initiative."[4]

He currently writing a book about terrorism titled From Bosnia to Beslan: How the West Spread al-Qaeda.

[edit] Sources

  1. ^ "Special Report: ITN Libel Case", Guardian Unlimited. 
  2. ^ Brendan O'Neill Profile on commentisfreeGuardian on line
  3. ^ "'Apocalypse, my arse'". 
  4. ^ Aims and goals. Manifesto Club.

Not to be confused with Birmingham poet and scriptwriter Brendan O'Neill ( See )