Breathing Room

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[edit] Plot

Breathing Room[1] is a feature film that follows Tanya (Ailsa Marshall)[2], in the hours after she wakes up in a room with thirteen strangers. She quickly discovers that they are all players in a deadly game. She and the other contestants scramble to uncover why they are there and who is behind it.

At periodic times throughout the film, the lights go off, indicating their curfew, and one of the players is hunted and killed. Each time a dead body arises, a clue is left, which the players decode to find the answers they are looking for.

In the end, the similarity between the players is the fact that they are so different. In fact, these strangers comprise the exact group one would want if one were doing market testing or demographic research. The game is a sociological experiment like the Milgram experiment or, more famously, the Stanford Prison Experiment. As in those experiments, one of the players is also conducting the research. The question is ... which one?

[edit] Background

The film was shot in 2006 in AZUSA CA, with two DVX100 cameras for around $20,000. It has been distributed internationally through various carriers and domestically in the United States through Anchor Bay Entertainment.

Breathing Room was written by John Suits and Gabriel Cowan, two MFA film directing students at CalArts. During their first year in school, they shot and edited a half hour short film in a single weekend. They decided it was so fun and easy, that they should make a feature film. They quickly raised the funds from friends Kerry Johnson, Morgan Riehl, and Bryce Gerlach, and six weeks later, they wrapped production on Breathing Room. SInce then, they have made two other feature films, and have several more in the works.

[edit] Notability

Breathing Room has been accepted into numerous film festivals including Pi Fan (Korea), Horror Hound Weekend[3], and the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival[4].

It is notable to mention that from its $20,000 investment, Breathing Room has grossed over $500,000 (2500%) in less than two years. Much has been written[5] on how and why young filmmakers make low budget thrillers. This film is a prime example of what can be done quickly, and for relatively little money.

[edit] Citations

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