Breakthrough (Transnistria)

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Breakthrough is the English name for Cyrillic ПРОРЫВ (Proriv, in Russian), a political youth movement and political party in Transnistria whose methods are allegedly modelled on pro-western organizations Otpor, Kmara and other participants of colored revolutions in the post-Soviet countries.

Originally it was founded in 2005 as a political youth organization part of the "international" (i.e. in the post-Soviet space) pro-Russian Proriv organization that has also a branch in Ukraine (Crimea). A year later, on June 2, 2006, the Transnistrian branch of Proriv formally registered itself as a political party. It uses the yellow as political color and the world-known B&W photo of Communist guerrilla fighter Che Guevara as a symbol. It is associated with the 'Che Guevara High School for Political Leadership' in Tiraspol. The 'Che Guevara High School' has been established in order to provide training for the young political activists. Its head is Dmitriy Soin, a sociologist and officer of the Transnistrian ministry of state security. [1]

Chairman of the party is Aleksandr Gorelovskiy, the youth movement has a mostly slav female leadership, with Alena Arshinova as president and Olga Paterova (born 1984) as press secretary. According to newspaper reports the organisation is financed by Transnistrian authorities and the mentor of the organisation is Dmitriy Soin [2][3] The organization supports the continuation of the republic's independence which was declared on September 2, 1990 and rejects any talk of potential reunification with Moldova.

Breakthrough has been in 2006 one of the most active forces opposing the Ukrainian presidency position on the Ukraine-Transnistria border customs conflict with street action and tent city protests on the border.The organisation is also very critical of the OSCE and the government of the Republic of Moldova. During various political demonstrations of Breakthrough OSCE flags were replaced and Moldovan flags were burned. [4][5] In the Transnistrian referendum, 2006, it opposed unification with Moldova, as did a reported 94% of the electorate.

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