Breakers (Stephen King)

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[edit] Breakers

Breakers are humans from various parallel worlds in Stephen King's multiverse who have various psychic powers. For example, a breaker named Dinky Earnshaw, from both Stephen King's Everything's Eventual and the Dark Tower series, has an ability "from some promise" to kill anything he chooses, although he has no exact control when, and no control on how, which comes from some magic language that is particular only to him. And while some of the breakers have similar powers, most are very diversified, although the most common are teleportation or telepathy/telekinesis.

[edit] Breakers in the Dark Tower Series

In the Dark Tower series, breakers are abducted or recruited from various "wheres and whens" to a facility in Thunderclap, where there is a room that amplifies their powers and turns them into a corrosive and damaging force against the Beams for the benefit of the Crimson King. This facility, Agul Siento, is sacked by Roland Deschain and his ka-tet with help from rebel breakers Sheemie Ruiz, Dinky Earnshaw, and Ted Brautigan (yes, the one from Hearts in Atlantis). Breakers are also mentioned in other King works such as Black House.