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Breştea (Banat Bulgarian: Brešćа, Hungarian: Berestye) is a village in the commune of Denta, Timiş County, Romania. It was founded in 1842 by around 110 families of Roman Catholic Banat Bulgarians from Dudeştii Vechi (Stár Bišnov).

In the 1880s, a part of the Bulgarian population returned to Bulgaria to found the village of Bardarski Geran. In 1869, 1,191 Bulgarians lived in the village, and in 1880 their number was 1,087. In the following years, the population was distributed as follows:

Census Ethnic distribution
Year Population Banat Bulgarians Romanians Hungarians Germans Serbs Roma Others
1890 1,174 1,087 27 20 29 14 - -
1910 1,002 889 20 53 26 14 - -
1930 863 804 6 17 15 9 2 10
1956 847 815 25 7 - - - -

The total population in 1941 was 914. In 1930, 93.2% of the population was Bulgarian, and in 1956: 96.2%.

[edit] References

  • Mircea, Anton (1997). Brešćа – 150 gudini. Monografija/ Breştea 150 de ani. 

Coordinates: 45°21′N, 21°16′E