Brazilian order of precedence

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Orders of precedence

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The order of precedence in Brazil is a symbolic hierarchy of officials used to direct protocol. It is regulated by Presidential Decree number 70.274 of March 9, 1972, signed by former President Emilio Medici. The following order applies to ceremonies hosted by the federal government.

[edit] Current order of precedence

  1. The President of the Republic (Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva) and the First Lady (Marisa Letícia Rocco Casa)
  2. The Vice-President of the Republic (José Alencar) and spouse (Mariza Gomes)
  3. Foreign ambassadors
  4. The President of the Senate (Garibaldi Alves Filho)
  5. The President of the Chamber of Deputies (Arlindo Chinaglia)
  6. The President of the Supreme Federal Tribunal (Gilmar Mendes)
  7. Brazilian cardinals
  8. Ministers of State
  9. The Head of the Military Cabinet (Jorge Armando Felix)
  10. The Chief of Staff (Dilma Rousseff)
  11. The Director of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Márcio Paulo Buzanelli)
  12. The Commanders of the Armed Forces
  13. The Solicitor-General (José Antônio Dias Toffoli)
  14. Foreign envoys
  15. The President of the Supreme Electoral Court (Marco Aurélio Mello)
  16. Justices of the Supreme Federal Tribunal
  17. The Governor of the Federal District (José Roberto Arruda)
  18. Governors of State
  19. Senators
  20. Federal Deputies
  21. Admirals
  22. Marshals
  23. Air Marshals
  24. Squadron Admirals
  25. Army Generals
  26. Lieutenant-Brigadiers
  27. The President of the Superior Justice Tribunal
  28. The President of the Superior Military Tribunal
  29. The President of the Superior Labor Tribunal
  30. Justices of the Supreme Electoral Court
  31. Chargé d'affaires of foreign countries
  32. Justices of the Superior Justice Tribunal
  33. Justices of the Superior Military Tribunal
  34. Justices of the Superior Labor Tribunal
  35. Vice Admirals
  36. Divisional Generals
  37. Major-Brigadiers
  38. Archbishops or equivalent in other religions
  39. The President of the Tribunal of Justice of the Federal District
  40. Secretary-Generals of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies
  41. Federal Prosecutors
  42. Directors of the Ministries of State
  43. Chancellors of Federal Universities
  44. The Director of the Brazilian Federal Police
  45. The President of the Central Bank of Brazil
  46. The President of the Bank of Brazil
  47. The President of the Brazilian Development Bank
  48. The Secretary of the Federal Revenue Service
  49. Mayors