Branksome, County Durham

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Branksome is a suburb of Darlington in County Durham, in England. It is situated to the north-west of the town, close to Mowden, Cockerton, and Faverdale.

It is largely made up from Darlington County Borough built properties and service buildings started in late 1940's through to the 1970's.

Although some of the council built houses and flats have been sold to tenants since the 1980's under the government 'right to buy' scheme, many are still retained as RENTED properties by the Housing Department of Darlington Borough Council (Unitary Authority). This management situation was consulted on in 2003/4 and the housing dept. retained management after consultations with tenants throughout the borough who expressed a desire to remain under local authority management rather than the alternatives.

It lies in the Cockerton West Ward of the Darlington Borough and elects two councillours every four years.