Brand asset valuator

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The Brand Asset Valuator (BAV) is a database of consumer perception of brands created and managed by BrandAsset Consulting, a division of Young & Rubicam Brands to provide information to enable firms to improve the marketing decision-making process and to manage brands better. Brand Asset Valuator and BAV also describe the Y&R group managing the database.

BAV measures the value of a brand along four dimensions: "Differentiation," "Relevance," "Esteem," and "Knowledge." Differentiation and Relevance build up to "Brand Strength." Esteem and Knowledge are used to calculate "Brand Stature." BAV defines these terms as follows.

  • "Differentiation" quantifies the brand's point of difference.
  • "Relevance" how appropriate the brand is to you.
  • "Esteem" how well the regarded the brand is.
  • "Knowledge" an intimate understanding of the brand.
  • "Brand Strength" describes the brand's growth potential.
  • "Brand Stature" describes the brand's current power.

BAV's database is the result of the world's most extensive research project on branding, based on data on 30,000 brands across 400,000 consumers in 48 countries through 240 studies.

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