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Argulus sp. on a fish
Argulus sp. on a fish
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Class: Maxillopoda
Subclass: Branchiura
Thorell, 1864
Order: Arguloida
Yamaguti, 1963
Family: Argulidae
Leach, 1819

Branchiura, commonly called carp lice or fish lice are a group of parasitic crustaceans of uncertain position within the Maxillopoda. Although they are thought to be primitive forms, they have no fossil record. Almost all are ectoparasites on fish, with a few exceptions living on amphibians [1].

Branchiurans have a flattened, oval body, which is almost entirely covered by a wide carapace. The compound eyes are prominent, and the mouthparts and antennae are modified to form a hooked, spiny proboscis armed with suckers, as an adaptation to parasitic life. They leave their hosts for up to three weeks in order to mate and lay eggs, and reattach afterwards behind the fish's operculum, where they feed on mucus and sloughed-off scales, or pierce the skin and feed on the internal fluids [1]

The subclass contains a single order, Arguloida (occasionally "Arguloidea"), which contains a single family, Argulidae [2], with around 200 species [3], although a second family, Dipteropeltidae has been proposed by some [4].

[edit] List of species

This is a list of species names that have been applied to species described in the Order Arguloida; however, many of the names are now considered to be invalid, or are synonyms of other species names. Only the genera Argulus, Chonopeltis and Dolops are recognised today[citation needed]. The taxonomy of several species, especially in the genus Argulus, continues to be studied [3]:

  • Agenor purpureus Risso, 1826
  • Argulus africanus Thiele, 1900
  • Argulus alexandrensis WilsonCB, 1923
  • Argulus alosae Gould, 1841
  • Argulus amazonicus Malta & Santos-Silva, 1986
  • Argulus ambloplites WilsonCB, 1920
  • Argulus americanus WilsonCB, 1902
  • Argulus angusticeps Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus annae Schuurmans StekhovenJHJr, 1951
  • Argulus appendiculosus WilsonCB, 1907
  • Argulus arcassonensis Cuénot, 1912
  • Argulus argulus Leach, 1814
  • Argulus armiger MüllerOF, 1785
  • Argulus australiensis Byrnes, 1985
  • Argulus belones Kampen, 1909
  • Argulus bengalensis Ramakrishna, 1951
  • Argulus bicolor Bere, 1936
  • Argulus biramosus Bere, 1931
  • Argulus boli Tripathi, 1975
  • Argulus borealis WilsonCB, 1912
  • Argulus brachypeltis Fryer, 1959
  • Argulus caecus WilsonCB, 1922
  • Argulus canadensis WilsonCB, 1916
  • Argulus capensis Barnard, 1955
  • Argulus carteri Cunnington, 1931
  • Argulus catostomi Dana & Herrick, 1837
  • Argulus cauveriensis Thomas & Devaraj, 1975
  • Argulus charon MüllerOF, 1785
  • Argulus chesapeakensis Cressey, 1971
  • Argulus chicomendesi Malta & Varella, 2000
  • Argulus chilensis Martinez, 1952
  • Argulus chinensis Ku & Yang, 1955
  • Argulus chromidis Kroyer, 1863
  • Argulus confuscus Rushton-Mellor, 1994
  • Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1865
  • Argulus cubensis WilsonCB, 1936
  • Argulus dactylopteri Thorell, 1865
  • Argulus dageti Dollfus, 1960
  • Argulus dartevellei Brian, 1940
  • Argulus delphinus MüllerOF, 1785
  • Argulus diversicolor Byrnes, 1985
  • Argulus diversus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus ellipticaudatus WangKN, 1960
  • Argulus elongatus Heller, 1857
  • Argulus ernsti Weibezahn & Cobo, 1964
  • Argulus exiguus Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus flavescens WilsonCB, 1916
  • Argulus floridensis Meehan, 1940
  • Argulus fluviatilis Thomas & Devaraj, 1975
  • Argulus foliaceus (Linnaeus), 1758
  • Argulus fryeri Rushton-Mellor, 1994
  • Argulus funduli Kroyer, 1863
  • Argulus fuscus Bere, 1936
  • Argulus giganteus Lucas, 1845
  • Argulus giordanii Brian, 1959
  • Argulus gracilis Rushton-Mellor, 1994
  • Argulus hylae Lemos de Castro & Gomes-Correa, 1985
  • Argulus ichesi Bouvier, 1910
  • Argulus incisus Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus indicus Weber, 1892
  • Argulus ingens WilsonCB, 1912
  • Argulus intectus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus izintwala Van AsJG & Van AsLL, 2001
  • Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900
  • Argulus jollymani Fryer, 1956
  • Argulus juparanensis Lemos de Castro, 1950
  • Argulus kosus Avenant-Oldewage, 1994
  • Argulus kunmingensis Shen, 1948
  • Argulus kusafugu Yamaguti & Yamasu, 1959
  • Argulus laticauda SmithSI, 1874
  • Argulus latus SmithSI, 1874
  • Argulus lepidostei Kellicott, 1877
  • Argulus longicaudatus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus lunatus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus macropterus Heegaard, 1962
  • Argulus maculosus WilsonCB, 1902
  • Argulus major WangKN, 1960
  • Argulus mangalorensis Natarajan, 1982
  • Argulus matritensis Arevalo, 1921
  • Argulus matuii Sikama, 1938
  • Argulus meehani Cressey, 1971
  • Argulus megalops SmithSI, 1874
  • Argulus megalops spinosus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus melanostictus WilsonCB, 1935
  • Argulus melita Beneden, 1891
  • Argulus mexicanus Pineda, Paramo & del Rio, 1995
  • Argulus mississippiensis WilsonCB, 1916
  • Argulus mongolianus Tokioka, 1939
  • Argulus monodi Fryer, 1959
  • Argulus multicolor Schuurmans StekhovenJHJr, 1937
  • Argulus multipocula Barnard, 1955
  • Argulus nativus Kirtisinghe, 1959
  • Argulus natterei Heller, 1857
  • Argulus niger WilsonCB, 1902
  • Argulus nobilis Thiele, 1904
  • Argulus onodai Tokioka, 1936
  • Argulus otolithi Brian, 1927
  • Argulus papuensis Rushton-Mellor, 1994
  • Argulus paranensis Ringuelet, 1943
  • Argulus parsi Tripathi, 1975
  • Argulus paulensis WilsonCB, 1924
  • Argulus pelucidus Wagler, 1935
  • Argulus personatus Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus pestifer Ringuelet, 1948
  • Argulus petagonicus Ringuelet, 1943
  • Argulus phoxini Leydig, 1871
  • Argulus piperatus WilsonCB, 1920
  • Argulus pugettensis Dana, 1852
  • Argulus purpureus (Risso), 1826
  • Argulus puthenveliensis Ramakrishna, 1959
  • Argulus quadristriatus Devaraj & Ameer Hamsa, 1977
  • Argulus reticulatus WilsonCB, 1920
  • Argulus rhamdiae WilsonCB, 1936
  • Argulus rhipidiophorus Monod, 1931
  • Argulus rijckmansii Brian, 1940
  • Argulus rothschildi Leigh-Sharpe, 1933
  • Argulus rotundus WilsonCB, 1944
  • Argulus rubescens Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus rubropunctatus Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus salminei Kroyer, 1863
  • Argulus salminei argentinensis Brian, 1947
  • Argulus scutiformis Thiele, 1900
  • Argulus shoutedeni Monod, 1928
  • Argulus siamensis WilsonCB, 1926
  • Argulus silvestrii Lahille, 1926
  • Argulus smalei Avenant-Oldewage & Oldewage, 1995
  • Argulus spinulosus Silva, 1980
  • Argulus stizostethii Kellicott, 1880
  • Argulus striatus Cunnington, 1913
  • Argulus taliensis Shen, 1948
  • Argulus tientsinensis Ku & Wang, 1956
  • Argulus trachynoti Brian, 1927
  • Argulus trilineatus WilsonCB, 1904
  • Argulus varians Bere, 1936
  • Argulus versicolor WilsonCB, 1902
  • Argulus vierai Pereira-Fonseca, 1939
  • Argulus violaceus Thomsen, 1925
  • Argulus viridis Nettovich, 1900
  • Argulus vittatus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz), 1814
  • Argulus wilsoni Brian, 1940
  • Argulus yucatanus Poly, 2004
  • Argulus yucatanus Poly, 2005
  • Argulus yuii WangKN, 1958
  • Argulus yunnanensis Shen, 1948
  • Argulus zei Brian, 1924
  • Binoculus bicornutus Risso, 1816
  • Binoculus caudatus Say, 1818
  • Binoculus gasterostei Geoffroy, 1762
  • Binoculus haemisphericus Geoffroy, 1762
  • Binoculus palustris MüllerOF, 1776
  • Binoculus piscinus MüllerOF, 1776
  • Binoculus productus Nordmann, 1832
  • Binoculus salmoneus MüllerOF, 1785
  • Binoculus sexsetaceus Nordmann, 1832
  • Chonopeltis australis Boxshall, 1976
  • Chonopeltis australissumus Fryer, 1977
  • Chonopeltis brevis Fryer, 1961
  • Chonopeltis congicus Fryer, 1959
  • Chonopeltis elongatus Fryer, 1974
  • Chonopeltis flaccifrons Fryer, 1960
  • Chonopeltis fryeri Van As, 1986
  • Chonopeltis inermis Thiele, 1900
  • Chonopeltis inermis schoutedeni Brian, 1940
  • Chonopeltis koki Van As, 1992
  • Chonopeltis lisikili Van AsJG & Van AsLL, 1996
  • Chonopeltis meridionalis Fryer, 1964
  • Chonopeltis minutus Fryer, 1977
  • Chonopeltis schoutedeni Brian, 1940
  • Chonopeltis victori Avenant-Oldewage, 1991
  • Diprosia vittata Rafinsque, 1814
  • Dipteropeltis hirundo Calman, 1912
  • Dolops bidentata (Bouvier), 1899
  • Dolops carvalhoi Lemos de Castro, 1949
  • Dolops discoidalis Bouvier, 1899
  • Dolops doradis (Cornalia), 1860
  • Dolops geayi (Bouvier), 1897
  • Dolops intermedia da Silva, 1978
  • Dolops kollari (Heller), 1857
  • Dolops lacordairei Audouin, 1837
  • Dolops longicauda (Heller), 1857
  • Dolops nana Lemos de Castro, 1950
  • Dolops ranarum (Stuhlmann), 1891
  • Dolops reperta (Bouvier), 1899
  • Dolops striata (Bouvier), 1899
  • Dolops tasmanicus Fryer, 1969
  • Gyropeltis bidentata Bouvier, 1899
  • Gyropeltis doradis Cornalia, 1860
  • Gyropeltis geayi Bouvier, 1897
  • Gyropeltis kollari Heller, 1857
  • Gyropeltis lacordairei Audouin, 1837
  • Gyropeltis longicauda Heller, 1857
  • Gyropeltis ranarum Stuhlmann, 1891
  • Gyropeltis reperta Bouvier, 1899
  • Gyropeltis striata Bouvier, 1899
  • Huargulus chinensis Yü, 1938
  • Moreiriella ribeiroi (Moreira), 1913
  • Ozolus gasterostei Latreille, 1802
  • Talaus ribeiroi Moreira, 1913

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Ben Waggoner. Introduction to the Branchiura. University of California Museum of Paleontology. Retrieved on 2007-05-06.
  2. ^ Martin, J. W. & Davis, G. E. (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 132 pp.. 
  3. ^ a b The World of Copepods - Species Taxonomy Results. Smithsonian Institution.
  4. ^ P. Myers, R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond & T. A. Dewey (2006). Animal Diversity Web: Arguloidea. University of Michigan.