Bran Tse-Mallory

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Bran Tse-Mallory is a fictional character appearing in Alan Dean Foster’s Humanx Commonwealth science-fiction novels. He is the partner of the thranx Truzenzuzex, born in 474 AA (After Amalgamation). He and his partner discerned the history and function of the Tar-Aiym’s Krang weapon. The intertwined history of Bran and Tru goes back to the time when they served together on a stingship (a two-person attack ship carrying a single SCCAM missile where both pilots are mentally tied together with HIPnosis drugs to enhance the human killer instinct and the thranx quick decision making and logical processes); after leaving the Commonwealth Peaceforcers they worked for the United Church, then struck out on their own to research the Great Emptiness.

The Humanx Commonwealth
AAnn | Human | Hur'rikku | Minidragon | Pitar | Tar-Aiym | Thranx | Ulru-Ujurrians | Xunca
Alaspin | Annubis | Blasusarr | Cachalot | Hivehom | Horseye | Longtunnel | Midworld | Moth | New Riveria | Pitar | Prism | Pyrassis | Terra | Tran-Ky-Ky | Treetrunk | Ulru-Ujurr | Willow-Wane
Flinx | Bran Tse-Mallory | Truzenzuzex | Mahnahmi Lynx | Pip | Clarity Held | Skua September | Abalamahalamatandra
Bloodhype | Meliorare Society | Order of Null | Qwarm

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