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Brainjam was the brainchild Martin Wolfenden, Andy Wilson and Tom Stringfellow and was designed as a repository on the net for their comedy writing.
However the website grew from a small concern to pulling in many thousands of punters a month, mainly through word of mouth and many from the British university community who liked its often ranting style. In time the three writers were replaced by around twenty regular contributors.
The earliest articles on the site were written by Wolfenden and could often stray from comedy and into personal tragedy; however most of the tragic pieces seem to have disappeared.
The site is kept deliberately pruned and in the past old pieces were often consigned to the bin when their useful time was up. However after a petition drawn up by students at Nottingham University who felt that the site was throwing out the best bits. Several archives were put in place where old material could languish.
[edit] 5th Birthday
To celebrate its fifth Birthday the writers posed naked for photographs in front of Buckingham Palace in London, however they were cautioned for indent exposure.